
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Quest #34 - "A Simple Task"
Location Batsureg
Availability After defeating Larstasnaras.
Requested by Chuluun
Fulfilled to Chuluun
Item Required Simple Simon or Simple Simone accolade.
Reward Veteran's helm
Detail A girl called Chuluun from Batsureg wants to know just how simple a Simple Simon and a Simple Simone would be. Attain one or the other accolade and show Chuluun what she needs to see.
Hint for solution The accolade can be gotten by equiping the following as a Male Priest: Sadistick, Dragon Shield, Holy Hat, Dark Robe, Heavy Handwear, Blue Jeans, Classy Clogs, and Utility Belt.

Or as a Female Ranger: Headsman's Axe, Minotaur Helm, Jaguarment, Gloomy Gloves, Steppe Steppers, and Agiliboots

Repeatable {{{repeat}}}