The Champs Sauvage

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The Champs Sauvage is a region located in southwestern Erdrea in Dragon Quest XI. It can be reached from the Costa Valor. The L'Académie de Notre Maitre des Médailles and the Eerie Eyrie can be found in the north, while the town of Phnom Nonh and the Promontory Cave are found in the southern part of the region.

The northern part of the region is mountainous with coniferous trees, while the southern part of the region is a tropical forest that often experiences rainfall.

Shops & Services[edit]

Northern Champs Sauvage[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png North Campsite Roving Emporium 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Cautery sword XI.png
Cautery sword
4,400+42 Attack
Casts Sizz on a group of enemies when used as a tool in battle.
ICON-Eagle dagger XI.png
Eagle dagger
3,900+39 Attack
+2% Surprise Attack Chance
ICON-Soarin' steel XI.png
Soarin' steel
2,800+32 Attack
ICON-Wyvern wand XI.png
Wyvern wand
2,400+22 Attack
+5 Magical Might
+5 Magical Mending
+3% MP Absorption
ICON-Lightning staff XI.png
Lightning staff
4,600+24 Attack
+22 Magical Might
+10 Magical Mending
+9% MP Absorption
ICON-Trident XI.png
5,400+65 Attack
+2% Parry Chance
ICON-Beastly bullwhip XI.png
Beastly bullwhip
2,400+34 Attack
+10% damage to Beasts
ICON-Silver claws XI.png
Silver claws
2,800+23 Attack
+2% Critical Hit Chance
ICON-Light shield XI.png
Light shield
1,250+17 Defence
+6% Block Chance
ICON-Steel shield XI.png
Steel shield
1,500+22 Defence
+8% Block Chance
+7% Fire and Ice Resistance
ICON-Bronze helmet XI.png
Bronze helmet
1,500+18 Defence
ICON-Iron mask XI.png
Iron mask
3,500+25 Defence
ICON-Cloak of evasion XI.png
Cloak of evasion
3,000+29 Defence
+3% Evasion
ICON-Full plate armour XI.png
Full plate armour
2,300+39 Defence
ICON-Star of clarity XI.png
Star of clarity
2,000+3 Defence
+10% Confusion Resistance
ICON-Strong medicine XI.png
Strong medicine
36Restores at least 60 HP to a single ally.
ICON-Strong antidote XI.png
Strong antidote
45Cures one party member of poison and restores at least 30 HP.
ICON-Moonwort bulb XI.png
Moonwort bulb
30Cures one party member of paralysis.
ICON-Chimaera wing XI.png
Chimaera wing
25Teleport to last place prayed or last important location visited.
ICON-Pink pine XI.png
Pink pine
75A smooth, slender stick in a pretty shade of pink. Fun-Size Forge material.
ICON-Twisted talons XI.png
Twisted talons
950Don't catch yourself on one of these–it'll hurt like heck! Fun-Size Forge material.

Southern Champs Sauvage[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png South Campsite Roving Emporium 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Cautery sword XI.png
Cautery sword
4,400+42 Attack
Casts Sizz on a group of enemies when used as a tool in battle.
ICON-Eagle dagger XI.png
Eagle dagger
3,900+39 Attack
+2% Surprise Attack Chance
ICON-Soarin' steel XI.png
Soarin' steel
2,800+32 Attack
ICON-Wyvern wand XI.png
Wyvern wand
2,400+22 Attack
+5 Magical Might
+5 Magical Mending
+3% MP Absorption
ICON-Lightning staff XI.png
Lightning staff
4,600+24 Attack
+22 Magical Might
+10 Magical Mending
+9% MP Absorption
ICON-Trident XI.png
5,400+65 Attack
+2% Parry Chance
ICON-Beastly bullwhip XI.png
Beastly bullwhip
2,400+34 Attack
+10% damage to Beasts
ICON-Silver claws XI.png
Silver claws
2,800+23 Attack
+2% Critical Hit Chance
ICON-Light shield XI.png
Light shield
1,250+17 Defence
+6% Block Chance
ICON-Steel shield XI.png
Steel shield
1,500+22 Defence
+8% Block Chance
+7% Fire and Ice Resistance
ICON-Bronze helmet XI.png
Bronze helmet
1,500+18 Defence
ICON-Iron mask XI.png
Iron mask
3,500+25 Defence
ICON-Cloak of evasion XI.png
Cloak of evasion
3,000+29 Defence
+3% Evasion
ICON-Full plate armour XI.png
Full plate armour
2,300+39 Defence
ICON-Star of clarity XI.png
Star of clarity
2,000+3 Defence
+10% Confusion Resistance
ICON-Strong medicine XI.png
Strong medicine
36Restores at least 60 HP to a single ally.
ICON-Strong antidote XI.png
Strong antidote
45Cures one party member of poison and restores at least 30 HP.
ICON-Moonwort bulb XI.png
Moonwort bulb
30Cures one party member of paralysis.
ICON-Chimaera wing XI.png
Chimaera wing
25Teleport to last place prayed or last important location visited.
ICON-Glimmergrass XI.png
800Fronds that flash and flicker in the midday sun. Fun-Size Forge material.
ICON-Twisted talons XI.png
Twisted talons
950Don't catch yourself on one of these–it'll hurt like heck! Fun-Size Forge material.
ICON-Dragon hide XI.png
Dragon hide
880Scaly skin dropped by a dragon. Utterly incombustible. Fun-Size Forge material.
ICON-Dragon horn XI.png
Dragon horn
1,080A horn hacked from the head of a deadly dragon. Fun-Size Forge material.
ICON-Fresh water XI.png
Fresh water
65Wondrous water of perfect purity. Fun-Size Forge material.

Other notable attributes[edit]

   DQXI Camp icon.png    This is a location where the party can set up camp for the night.

   DQXI Horse Call icon.png    This is a location where a horse can be called.

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.


Item Location
Mini medal Treasure chest in eastern cliffs.
Enchanted stone Treasure chest on cliff face located southeast of north campsite.
Vanguard Treasure chest located on rock ledge after climbing a vine hanging from southern rock wall close to entrance to the Costa Valor.
Sunny citrine Treasure chest located on island in the northwestern lake.

Sparkly Spots[edit]

Sparkly Spots
Item Location
Celestial skein At the base of a tree near the east wall south of bridge.
Celestial skein At the center of riverbank northwest of Phnom Nonh.
Narspicious x2
Sparkly sap
Fruit tree to the west of ruins in the south.
Evencloth Rock south of ruins in the southern region at night.
Glimmergrass x2
Plant located southweste of the entrance to Phnom Nonh.
Platinum ore Shallow water north of the south campsite.
Celestial skein Large rock located south of the southern campsite.
Glimmergrass Eastern shore of pond in northern section of the region.
Platinum ore x2
Crystal at the end of rocky ravine located southeast of the entrance to L'Academie.
Red eye Small rock ledge located near north campsite.
Mirrorstone At the tip of area after crossing wooden bridge south of north campsite.
Superior medicine Near stone steps after crossing bridge to the north that leads to the Eerie Eyrie.
Drasilian shilling In the middle of wooden bridge that leads to the Eerie Eyrie.
Flintstone Stone path in the northeastern section that leads to the Eerie Eyrie.
Pink pine Between the last two bridges on the path to the Eerie Eyrie.
Glimmergrass South wall after crossing the final bridge that leads to the Eerie Eyrie.


Northern Champs Sauvage[edit]

First Act[edit]

Second Act[edit]

Third Act[edit]

Southern Champs Sauvage[edit]

First Act[edit]

Second Act[edit]

Third Act[edit]


  • Champs Shooter: Awarded for hitting every bullseye in the Champs Sauvage.
  • Mooterorologist: Awarded for speaking to each and every one of the hard-working weathercows of Erdrea.
  • Mount Olympian: Awarded for successfully riding all mountable monsters.

Weathercow Locations[edit]

DQXI Champs Sauvage Weathercow.jpg
  • The cow is located on the southern side of the pond to the west of Phnom Nonh's entrance.


  • Champs Sauvages means "wild fields" in French. The name of the region was kept the same in the French, Spanish, and German versions of the game.
  • In the original Japanese, it is known as the "Medachat" (メダチャット) region. The "Meda-" part is derived from the "Medal Girl's Academy" and "-chat" is from the "Puwachat Ruins" located in the south.

In Other Languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolLos Champs SauvagesSpanish for "the Champs Sauvage".
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisLes Champs SauvagesFrench for "the wild fields".
ICON-FLAG-DE.png DeutschDie Champs SauvagesGerman for "the Champs Sauvage", which means the wild
ICON-FLAG-IT.png ItalianoRegione SelvaggiaItalian for "wild region".

Map & Gallery[edit]