
From Dragon Quest Wiki

Damdara is a town in the desert in southwestern Alefgard. It is a major location in Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation.


Dragon Quest[edit]

Damdara was destroyed by the Dragonlord's minions and has since become infested with their kind. Erdrick's Armour, the strongest armour in the game, can be found in the ruins but is guarded by a Knight aberrant that was ordered to keep it from falling into human hands.

Monsters within town[edit]

Nearby monsters[edit]

Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line[edit]

With no apparent survivors of the destruction of the town, nothing is ever done to Damdara to restore it. The ruined settlement is consumed by the surrounding desert.

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

Damdara is a large, stable town in the distant past. Though it endures the fury of Zoma's wrath as all of Alefgard does, it s people have not yet given in to despair. Though still a desert locale, greenery persists in the town and a large pond surrounded by flowers sits at the northeastern section. However, a thug in the well notes that the water level is receding and that the town may not be long for the world even if monsters are repelled.

A bard and a Faerie sit together at pond, with the former regaling the player of the family strife of his idol Galen, and the latter stating that an important instrument is near the baths in Kol. Lena, a dancing girl from Asham in the upper world, rests at the town's inn. She explains that she fled an audience member who was getting too close for comfort and wonders if her former employer is doing well. Lena will also ask the player to tell the manager that she is safe and, when speaking to the man in the back room of the dancing hall at night, he will be besides himself with joy at hearing that his former star is well and give the party a Magic bikini for their trouble.

The owner of the second weapon shop frets over naming his unborn child and his business is closed, with the family settling on Magog after Zoma's death much to the wife's consternation. The swordsman standing in the primary weapon shop mentions hearing that the town is the location of an Orichalcum ingot, though he can't find it himself. A woman near the horse stables on the east side of the town mentions that she occasionally sees a glimmer of light in the perpetual purple twilight at the far left side of the pasture. When the player searches the ground there, they will find the Orichalcum.

Shops & services[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb.png Medicinal herb8?
ICON-Antidotal herb.png Antidotal herb10?
ICON-Holy water.png Holy water20?
ICON-Chimaera wing.png Chimaera wing25?
ICON-Moonwort bulb.png Moonwort bulb50?
ICON-Coagulant.png Coagulant500/310?

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Zombiesbane.png Zombiesbane9,800Attack +67
ICON-Staff of sentencing.png Staff of sentencing2,700Attack +37
ICON-Magic vestment.png Magic vestment4,400Defence +30
ICON-Dragon mail.png Dragon mail9,800Defence +45
ICON-Power shield.png Power shield15,000Defence +50
ICON-Scandalous swimsuit.png Scandalous swimsuit78,000Defence +1


Nearby monsters[edit]

Notable Residents[edit]

  • Lena (Originally Lenna) - Former dancer at Asham until a troublesome customer wouldn't leave her alone. Makes her peace with living in Alefgard after Zoma is defeated. She was absent in the NES version and shares her name with a resident from Regenstein.
  • Magog (Originally Yukinov and Wynn) - Child born to the 2nd weapon shop owner sometime after Zoma's defeat. Eventually inherited the shop and came to possess Erdrick's Armour.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Shops & services[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb III HD.png Medicinal herb8Restores at least 30 HP to a single ally
ICON-Magic water III HD.png Magic water600Restores at least 15 MP to a single ally
ICON-Antidotal herb III HD.png Antidotal herb10Cures poison from one party member
ICON-Holy water III HD.png Holy water20Wards off weaker monsters
ICON-Chimaera wing III HD.png Chimaera wing25Can be used to return to previously visited locations
ICON-Moonwort bulb III HD.png Moonwort bulb30Cures paralysis
ICON-Musk III HD.png Musk150Monsters attack more often for a brief time
ICON-Coagulant III HD.png Coagulant310Casts Fuddle
ICON-Leap Before You Look III HD.png Leap Before You Look90Daredevil personality
ICON-Full moon ring III HD.png Full moon ring990Defence +4
Paralysis res. +6%
ICON-Ring of clarity III HD.png Ring of clarity840Defence +4
Fuddle res. +6%
ICON-Rousing ring III HD.png Rousing ring550Defence +4
Sleep res. +6%
ICON-Care rivière III HD.png Care rivière940Defence +4
Fizzle res. +15%
ICON-Necklace of immunity III HD.png Necklace of immunity320Defence +4
Poison res. +15%
ICON-Torc of truth III HD.png Torc of truth700Defence +4
Dazzle res. +15%

ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon & armour shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Dragonsbane claws III HD.png Dragonsbane claws18,000Attack +87
+130% damage to dragons
ICON-Blizzard blade III HD.png Blizzard blade34,000Attack +101
Ice element
Casts Crackle
ICON-Scandalous swimsuit III HD.png Scandalous swimsuit78,000Defence +1
Women only
Changes appearance
ICON-Wizard's robe III HD.png Wizard's robe8,400Defence +60
Wisdom +20
ICON-Dragon mail III HD.png Dragon mail13,800Defence +80
-33% breath damage
ICON-Bandit mail III HD.png Bandit mail39,800Defence +104
ICON-Silver shield III HD.png Silver shield13,700Defence +63
ICON-Power shield III HD.png Power shield32,000Defence +76
Casts Midheal

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

The Luminary ventures to Damdara through the Echo Chamber. The town is full of the ghosts of the citizens killed by the Knight aberrant, who rules over the ruins with an iron fist. To put the spirits to rest, the tin tyrant must be slain. The exact time of the Luminary's visit is not made clear, as the Knight would either have to be replaced or revived once killed if the time is before the original game, and no monsters remain in Alefgard once the Dragonlord is defeated if it takes place after.

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

The party encounters the town in Chapter 4, Episode 3 of the game's limited Dragon Quest I event, still on the search for a way back to Orchesterra. Majellan seems doubtful that they will be able to find anything useful there and they are encountered by the Knight aberrant. It assumes that they are there attempting the steal the hidden treasure there and attacks them. The knight offers its apologies after being defeated and recommends they pay a visit to the Dragonlord, who might know of a way back to their own world.


The woman who complains about her neighbor sneezing all day and inadvertently causing those sneezes is a reference to a Japanese superstition that states a person only sneezes when someone is talking about them behind their back.
