Weaver's Peak

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Weaver's Peak is a mountain village in Dragon Quest VI.

It is the starting location of the game and home of the Hero and his sister Tania.


Set high in the mountains north of Haggleton and Somnia beyond the Mountain Pass, this rural village is known for its crafts and textiles that fetch a high price at a bazaar annually hosted in the former. The Hero is appointed as the annual village representative at the start of the game, and is sent off to sell the goods and return with a ceremonial crown assembled by the finest artisan in Haggleton.

A ceremony known as the Fortune Festival is held on the first eve of the bazaar, thanking the Spirit of the Mountains for good harvests through the year prior. During the festival one young lady is selected to represent the village's gratitude, placing the crown on the Goddess statue inside the church. Tania is selected as this year's maiden, and during the ceremony she becomes possessed by the Spirit of the Mountains. The Spirit speaks directly to the Hero, beckoning him to leave his idyllic home and enter the dangerous world at large, saving it from the evils that conspire to end it.


Upper world shops[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb.png Medicinal herb8?
ICON-Antidotal herb.png Antidotal herb10?
ICON-Chimaera wing.png Chimaera wing25?
ICON-Leather hat.png Leather hat65Defense +2/Style +2
ICON-Hardwood headwear.png Hardwood headwear120Defense +6/Style -15
ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Cypress stick.png Cypress stick10Attack +2/Style 0
ICON-Bamboo spear.png Bamboo spear50Attack +5/Style +1
ICON-Copper sword.png Copper sword270Attack +13/Style +9
ICON-ARMOUR-SHOP.png Armour Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Wayfarer's clothes.png Wayfarer's clothes70Defense +7/Style +6
ICON-Leather armour.png Leather armour180Defense +11/Style +15
ICON-Leather shield.png Leather shield70Defense +4/Style +2
ICON-Enchanted armour.png Enchanted armour7000Defense +55/Style +35

Lower world shop[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-War hammer.png War hammer12,000Attack +64/Style +19
ICON-Zombiesbane.png 'Zombiesbane18,000Attack +80/Style +5
ICON-Dragon mail.png Dragon mail12,000Defense +60/Style +37
ICON-Flowing dress.png Flowing dress14,800Defense +65/Style +42
ICON-Bunny ears.png Bunny ears750Defense +20/Style +15

Other notable attributes[edit]

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.

   Location Attributes Icon.png    The Hero and party can rest at Tania's house for free in the Upper World version.



(Lower World only)

Nearby monsters[edit]

Vocation Level Cap[edit]

Party members can grind to increase their Vocation as long as they are at the specified level or lower.

(Upper World)[edit]

Nintendo DS Version Cell phone Version
5 15

(Lower World)[edit]

Nintendo DS version Cell phone version
19 19

Other appearances[edit]

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

The Upper World version of Weaver's Peak is the final location the Luminary can visit through the altar of reverie in the Echo Chamber. A commotion has spread through the village as the Hero returns from his errand to fetch the crown for the Fortune Festival, but his condescending attitude and fixation on gaudy fashion cause Tania to suspect that the man is an imposter. Asking the Luminary for help, she advises that the adventurers at Patty's Party Planning Place in Stornway might have a few leads to follow through on.

Sure enough, a warrior at the Quester's Rest knows just the thing to do the job--bodura grass. The man states that a friend of his tipped him off to a grotto that grows the herb, the third floor of the Ruby Path of Doom available to players as the second area in the alter of the starry skies. In the north-western corner of the third floor is a woman who will give the player the bodura grass free of charge.

Returning to Weaver's Peak, Tania is overjoyed that the party found a way to expose the fraud and sends them to do just that, worried about retaliation if a frail girl such as herself ruins the facade. Tossing the grass in the liar's face exposes him as a dumpy troll, prompting a battle once it is spoken to. After the fight is over, the sobbing sop admits that all it ever wanted was to look nice enough for Tania to be kind towards it, and promises that it will never do anything to the village again. The troll flees the scene, and Tania is left shaking her head at the whole mess before rewarding the Luminary with a bolt of kaleidoscope cloth for his trouble.

Usage of Weaver's Peak in other areas[edit]

In other languages[edit]

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Name Meaning
Japanese ライフコッド "Life Cod"
S. Chinese 莱夫科德 Transliterated from the Japanese title

Map & Gallery[edit]

Upper World[edit]

Lower World[edit]

Warning: Spoilers!
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