
From Dragon Quest Wiki

Cobblestone is a small quaint village in the Southern Heliodor Region. It is the villager the Hero grew up in, and is the starting location of Dragon Quest XI.

The residents in the village speak with a Devonshire, or a South Western English accent.

As the game progresses, Cobblestone begins to house major story events.


The village of Cobblestone is a small village located in the southeast section of central Erdrea, nestled in a rocky region that was mostly isolated from the rest of the world. The Hero was raised here after being discovered by Chalky as a baby at the Cobblestone Falls located nearby, being brought up by his daughter Amber. The boy would become best friends with Gemma, the mayor's granddaughter, and the two of them believed that they shared the same birthday. As part of their coming of age, the youth of the village make a trip to the top of Cobblestone Tor.

Shop & Services[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png First act 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb XI.png
Medicinal herb
8Restores at least 30 HP to a single party member.
ICON-Antidotal herb XI.png
Antidotal herb
10Cures poison from a single party member.

ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png First act 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Cypress stick XI.png
Cypress stick
5Attack +2

ICON-ARMOUR-SHOP.png First act 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Wayfarer's clothes XI.png
Wayfarer's clothes
70Defence +7/8/10/12
ICON-Pot lid XI.png
Pot lid
40Defence +2/3/4/5
Block chance +5%
ICON-Bandana XI.png
45Defence +1/2/3/4

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Second act 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Holy talisman XI.png
Holy talisman
2,400Defence +5/6/7/8
Instant death cut by 10%/15%/20%/25%
ICON-Strong medicine XI.png
Strong medicine
36Heals ~50 HP
ICON-Strong antidote XI.png
Strong antidote
45Cures poison & heals ~30 HP
ICON-Softwort herb XI.png
95Cures paralysis & heals ~60 HP
ICON-Panacea XI.png
240Cures poison, paralysis, & heals ~90 HP
ICON-Holy water XI.png
Holy water
20Repels weaker monsters
ICON-Chimaera wing XI.png
Chimaera wing
25Casts Zoom
ICON-Mystifying mixture XI.png
Mystifying mixture
560Casts Fuddle on one foe

ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Second act 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Zombiesbane XI.png
6,300Attack +54/58/62/66
+20% damage to undead
ICON-Bastard sword XI.png
Bastard sword
8,800Attack +61/65/69/73
ICON-Razer-wing XI.png
9,300Attack +93/99/105/112
Parry chance+2%
12% chance to paralyze target
ICON-Nightcleaver XI.png
12,000Attack +115/121/127/134
Parry chance +2%
Light element

ICON-ARMOUR-SHOP.png Second act 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Brigandine XI.png
11,000Defence +66/68/70/73
ICON-Heavy armor XI.png
Heavy armour
5,000Defence +52/55/58/62
Fire & ice damage cut by 25%
ICON-Magic shield XI.png
Magic shield
5,000Defence +27/28/30/32
M. might +12/13/14/15
M. mending +11/12/13/14
Block chance +6%
Elemental damage cut by 5%
ICON-Iron headgear XI.png
Iron headgear
5,00Defence +32/33/34/36

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Fortified Cobblestone 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Freebooter's gloves XI.png
Freebooter's gloves
5,000Deftness +48/50/53/56
ICON-Holy talisman XI.png
Holy talisman
2,400Defence +5/6/7/8
Instant death cut by 10%/15%/20%/25%
ICON-Perfect panacea XI.png
Perfect panacea
240Cures all ailments & heals ~90 HP
ICON-Mystifying mixture XI.png
Mystifying mixture
560Casts Fuddle on one foe
ICON-Pep pop XI.png
Pep pop
200,000Instant pep state
ICON-Chronocrystal XI.png
8,000Forging material

ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Fortified Cobblestone 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Berserker's blade XI.png
Berserker's blade
45,000Attack +277/289/303/315
Parry chance +3%
10% chance to auto Oomph
8% chance to cast Dazzle on target
ICON-Knife of strife XI.png
Knife of strife
40,000Attack +142/148/155/162
12% chance to Dazzle target
ICON-Cane of compassion XI.png
Cane of compassion
36,000Attack +76/79/82/86
M. might +17/18/18/19
M. mending +63/64/66/68
MP absorb +7%/7%/7%/8%
4% chance to void MP costs
30%/35%/40%/50% to auto-activate Caster Sugar
ICON-Rod of paradise XI.png
Rod of paradise
30,000Attack +88/92/96/100<br.M. might +82/84/86/89
M. mending +70/72/74/76
MP absorb +15%
Casts Acceleratle
ICON-Anchor of rancourXI.png
Anchor of rancour
36,000Attack +155/162/169/176
Critical chance +3%/3%/3%/4%
10% chance to auto-Oomph
ICON-Aristocrat's axe XI.png
Aristocrat's axe
48,000Attack +158/165/172/180
Max MP +18/18/19/20
5%/6%/6%/8% chance to void MP costs
+10% damage to demons

ICON-ARMOUR-SHOP.png Fortified Cobblestone 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Pirate king's coat XI.png
Pirate king's coat
40,000Defence +108/117/126/135
Agility +37/39/42/45
Charm +75/80/85/90
Evasion +4%
Wind damage cut by 20%/30%/40%/50%
ICON-Metal king jacket XI.png
Metal king jacket
78,000Defence +101/106/112/118
Evasion +8%/9%/9%/10%
ICON-Metal king armor XI.png
Metal king armor
98,000Defence +126/133/148/148
Elemental damage cut by 20%

Notable Attributes[edit]

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.


Item Location
Precious pendant Given to the Hero after the events at Cobblestone Tor.
Plain clothes Cupboard in the Hero's house.
Medicinal herb Pot in the Hero's house.
10 Gold coins Pot in the Hero's house.
50 Gold coins Treasure chest on top of shed southeast of Hero's home.
5 Gold coins Pot behind hay shed southeast of Hero's home.
Antidotal herb Pot behind house across the road from Hero's home.
2 Gold coins Pot behind the item shop.
Copper ore Pot in cavern in southern section of town.
Seed of agility Pot in cavern in southern section of town.
7 Gold coins Pot in cavern in southern section of town.
Antidotal herb Barrel inside of church.
6 Gold coins Barrel located behind the church.
Medicinal herb Barrel located outside of Gemma and Dunstan's house.
Cypress stick Treasure chest located behind Gemma and Dunstan's house.
6 Gold coins Barrel in house to the east of Gemma and Dunstan's house.
Gemma's charm Given to the Hero by Gemma before he leaves on his journey.
11 Gold coins Pot in hay shed located just outside of the village.
4 Gold coins Barrel at the east end of Cobblestone canyon.
Pink pine Barrel behind shed in southwest canyon near exit to Cobblestone Tor.
Wristorative Treasure chest behind red door in southeastern part of the village. Requires Magic Key to open.

Second Act[edit]

CollapseLast Bastion treasures
Item Location
Mini medal Barrel located in the ruins of Gemma's house.
Sage's elixir Pot at the top of watchtower northwest of Hero's home.
Magic water Barrel southwest of Hero's home.
200 Gold coins Barrel located at south end of wall near the Hero's home.
Special medicine Barrel at the base of stockade wall near the Hero's home.
Special antidote Barrel located outside of the Royal Tent.
Special medicine Barrel near supplies southwest of the Royal Tent.
3,000 Gold coins Treasure chest located by stockade wall near the Royal Tent.
100 Gold coins Barrel on platform to the northeast of item shop.
77 Gold coins Barrel in tent located southeast of item shop.
Panacea Pot located near church by the exit to Cobblestone Tor.

Sparkly Spots[edit]

CollapseSparkly Spots
Item Location
Fresh water At the base of the waterfall in the north.
Flurry feather On top of shed southeast of Hero's home.
Pink pine On top of house south of Hero's home.
Medicinal herb On top of Gemma and Dunstan's house.

Second Act[edit]

CollapseLast Bastion Sparkly Spots
Item Location
Grubby bandage At the base of tree south of the church.
Grubby bandage At the end of the dock in the southeast section.
Fatalistick At the base of tree southeast of the item shop.

Other Languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolPeñalabriaDerived from the Spanish peña.
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisCaubaltinDerived from cobalt, a hard, lustrous silver-grey metal.
ICON-FLAG-DE.png DeutschKieslingenFrom the German Kiesling, ultimately derived from kiselinc.
ICON-FLAG-IT.png ItalianoRoccapietraFrom the Italian rocca and pietra.
