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"This Princess of Heliodor has been on the road ever since Dundrasil fell back in the day, when she fled with our infant Hero in her arms. When she was reunited with him years later, she didn't hesitate in joining him on is quest to confront the foul fiend who took from her all that she held dear."

XI loading screen

Dragon Quest XI
DQXI Martina.jpg
Sprite(s) Jade sprite walk.gif
Japanese name マルティナ
Romaji Marutina
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Class Martial Artist
Race Human
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Voice actor Ami Koshimizu (Japanese, XI S and Rivals)
Laura Aikman (English, XI)

Jade (マルティナ, Marutina) is a character in Dragon Quest XI.

She's an expert martial artist and the traveling companion of Rab, who places the safety of the Luminary above all else.

Appearance and Personality[edit]

Jade is a beautiful and physically fit young woman with purple eyes and long, dark purple hair tied with a red hairband in a high ponytail that goes past her back and a fringe parted to the right side of her face. She wears a light green-colored halter top attached to a choker with a metal ring over a black midriff-baring tank top and a light green leather wrap worn over a pair of black short shorts. On her hands, she wears light green bracers and black fingerless gloves, and she also wears a pair of light green high-heeled boots with white lacings that reach up to her knee.

Jade is a serious woman who is dedicated to protecting the Luminary no matter the cost, and carries a dignified air about herself. Due to a past incident where she was not able to save the Luminary during their youth, Jade harbors sombre feelings in her heart and occasionally speaks in a blunt, cold manner. Despite these incidental slips, Jade is very soft-spoken towards others and quickly becomes friendly with the party after joining the group. She is closest to Rab due to the years they've spent wandering Erdrea together, and acts like an older sister figure to the Luminary. Jade's favorite foods are sweets, and her innermost wish is for a type that she can eat in abundance with out worry of gaining weight. When stressed, she enjoys burning incense to take her mind off of things and her most beloved possession is the hairclip she wears at all times. When she was a little girl, Jade was fascinated by the tragic love stories of sailors and mermaids after being read a story about them by the Queen of Dundrasil. Having lost her own mother to a pandemic shortly after being born, Jade grew close with the Queen and would be inseparable when she and her husband would visit Heliodor on official business.

Jade's flashing kicks are said to be unmatched in terms of power and, through her training with Rab, are a personalized take on the martial arts teachings of Angri-La that also incorporates the use of spears. Jade's arsenal is augmented by her ample assets as well, being fully aware of her figure and putting it to good use with the skills she learns via the "Allure" section of her character builder. No measurements are ever given, but like a certain mage she will always win the battle of the bulges when a monster attempts to woo her with a Puff-Puff.


Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

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Base stats & pep bonus[edit]

Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats Skills
Level 23 99 -
HP 214 700 +40
MP 53 280 -
Strength 77 350 +15
Agility 73 400 +35
Resilience 31 190 +10
Magical Might 0 0 -
Magical Mending 0 0 -
Deftness 78 480 -
Charm 91 370 +75
Initial gear Jade's glaive, Cloak of evasion, Thief's turban
Iron claws (in inventory)
Pep boost Agility +100% (150%), Charm +100% (150%)
Critical Hit rate up (critical hit rate further increased)
Parenthesis includes bonuses from pep-up power-up.

Event Abilities[edit]

Name Level MP Target Description
Re-vamp Event 16 Self Raises Jade's Defence & Agility by 50%, attack by 25%, and raises her resistance to status ailments. Lasts four turns

Character builder[edit]

Name Skill points MP Range Pep Oomph Info
Attack Power When Wielding +5. 3 -- -- -- -- N/A
Propeller Blade 4 2 One enemy Yes First hit Deals regular damage, then level-based wind damage.
HP Absorption When Wielding +10%. 6 -- -- -- -- N/A
Critical Hit Chance When Wielding +6%. 7 -- -- -- -- N/A
Can Opener 9 4 -- -- -- 300% (plus 10) damage to Machine family enemies, 200% damage to all other families.
Hawkeye Claw 13 5 One enemy Yes Yes 180%~220% damage, cannot miss, 1~2 damage to Metal slimes.
Attack Power When Wielding +35. 14 -- -- -- -- Event panel
Attack Power When Wielding +15. 16 -- -- -- -- N/A
Crone’s Claw 16 6 One enemy Yes Yes Double-damage, recovers 5% as MP.
Hardclaw 18 10 One enemy Yes First hit Strike for 130%, 120%, 110%, 360% damage total.
HP Absorption When Wielding +20%. 18 -- -- -- -- N/A
Air Raiser 20 12 One enemy Yes Yes Up to 415~455 wind damage plus (level * 1.5 +10).
Name Skill points MP Range Pep Oomph Info
Cattle Prod 3 2 One enemy Yes Yes 150% damage to Beast family enemies.
Attack Power When Wielding +5. 4 -- -- -- -- N/A
Thunder Thrust 6 4 One enemy No No 50% chance to Critical Hit, 50% chance to completely miss.
Deliverance 7 2 One enemy Yes Yes 150% damage to the Undead.
Critical Hit Chance When Wielding +4%. 9 -- -- -- -- N/A
Attack Power When Wielding +10. 13 -- -- -- -- N/A
Attack Power When Wielding +30. 14 -- -- -- -- Event panel
Lightning Thrust 16 9 One enemy No No 67% chance to Critical Hit, unaffected by Dazzle and Evasion, 33% chance to completely miss.
Party Pooper 16 4 One group Yes First hit 80% damage, no further reduction per hit.
Multithrust 18 12 Random Yes First hit Four random targets within a group are hit for 75% damage, 300% damage against a single foe.
Crushed Ice 18 16 Random Yes First hit Four hits of ice damage at 90%, 360% damage total.
Lightning Storm 20 24 All enemies No No Up to 270~330 lightning damage, 12.5% chance to Paralyse enemy for 3~5 turns.
Flashback 25 10 One enemy Yes Yes Reduces Jade's Defence to zero, raises Evasion to 100% and increase counter-attack damage to 150%.
Name Skill points MP Range Pep Oomph Info
Leg Sweep 5 1 One enemy No No Attempts to knock down an enemy for one turn, Floating "family" immune.
Harvest Moon 6 3 One enemy Yes Yes 250% damage to monsters suspended in the air, 130% damage otherwise.
Agility +5 7 -- -- -- -- N/A
Maximum HP +10 7 -- -- -- -- N/A
Strength +5 8 -- -- -- -- N/A
Strength +10 9 -- -- -- -- N/A
Agility +30 10 -- -- -- -- N/A
Pep Chance +5% 12 -- -- -- -- N/A
Maximum HP +30 14 -- -- -- -- N/A
Vacuum Smash 16 2 One group Yes Yes 120% wind damage
Miracle Moon 18 16 Random Yes First hit Five random strikes of 50% damage, 250% total. HP restored is equal to first hit.
Multifeet 20 10 Random Yes First hit Seven random strikes of 50% damage, 350% total.
Name Skill points MP Range Pep Oomph Info
Hip Drop 6 2 One enemy Yes Yes 130% damage to single enemy.
Puff-Puff 8 -- One enemy Yes No Attempts to swoon an enemy, success rises with Charm stat.
Resilience +10 8 -- -- -- -- N/A
Charm +15 10 -- -- -- -- N/A
Charm +20 10 -- -- -- -- N/A
Blow Kiss 10 3 One enemy Yes No Up to 67~77 damage, 50% chance to Charm.
Pep Chance +5% 12 -- -- -- -- N/A
Pep-Up Power-Up 12 -- -- -- -- N/A
Charm +40 14 -- -- -- -- N/A
Sexy Beam 14 12 One enemy Yes No Up to 335~355 damage to one enemy, 25% chance to Charm.
Pink Typhoon 18 16 All enemies Yes No Up to 140~180 wind damage, increases with Charm, 10% chance to Charm.
Femme Fatale 20 24 All enemies Yes No 365~375 damage, 10% chance to Snooze. HP restored is damage dealt to first enemy.
Pink Tornado 25 18 All enemies Yes No Up to 370~430 wind damage to all enemies, 10% chance to Charm for 2~3 turns.


Dragon Quest XI (S: Definitive Edition) 
Weapon Modifier(s)
Iron claws Attack +15
Bronze lance Attack +17
Silver claws Attack +23
Iron lance Attack +24
Infernails Attack +27
Steel claws Attack +29
Crow's claws Attack +31
Steel lance Attack +34
Platinum claws Attack +36
Tsunami staff Attack +36
Kestrel claws Attack +41
Battle fork Attack +47
Cobra claws Attack +47
Ice claws Attack +49
Kite claws Attack +51
Dragon claws Attack +52
Beast claws Attack +53
Crimson claws Attack +54
Fire claws Attack +56
Jade's glaive Attack +56
King cobra claws Attack +57
Beastmaster claws Attack +58
Trident Attack +65
Combusticlaws Attack +66
Monster slashers Attack +66
Gracos's trident Attack +70
Dragonlord claws Attack +74
Crystal claws Attack +80
Orichalcum claws Attack +81
Lightning lance Attack +85
Dragovian lord claws Attack +88
Platinum lance Attack +92
Frostfire fingers Attack +93
Decimators Attack +95
Storm spear Attack +97
Demon spear Attack +101
Full fathom fork Attack +108
Xenlon claws Attack +109
Paladin's lance Attack +111
Metal slime spear Attack +114
Liquid metal spear Attack +126
Poker Attack +130
Seraph's spear Attack +150
Straight poker Attack +167
Barbarous pole Attack +183
Stud poker Attack +199
Sacred spear Attack +204
Heaven's talon Attack +215
Metal king spear Attack +221
Split-pot poker Attack +247

Shypox dialogue[edit]

In battle:

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When speaking to townsfolk:

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Dragon Quest Rivals[edit]

Jade is a player avatar and her likeness is featured in the art work for several cards.

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Jade appears as a S-rank member of the Hero family as part of the limited Dragon Quest XI event. She will join the party in Chapter 2, Episode 2 of the event quests on Normal mode and she can be fully awakened by collecting Jade Crystals from completing various challenges. Jade also stars in her own Battle Road.

Jade (マルティナ Marutina)Tactlogo.png

DQT Jade.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon Hero.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact AttackType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
130 1,192 367 2-3
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
551 418 467 180 60
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Zapper Jab Thunderous Spinning Wheel* Pink Typhoon*
Coup de Grâce: Pink Tornado*
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Move +1
Stats Up
Crack Res +25 / Stats Up Pink Typhoon Potency +5% / Pink Tornado Potency +5% / Stats Up
Max HP +50
Fourth Fifth
Bang Res +25 / Stats Up Pink Typhoon Potency +5% / Pink Tornado Potency +5% / Stats Up
Sexy Body: Rarely charms enemy when hit by a physical or martial attack.
Leader Perks
Lowers DEF of all enemies by 20% in a 5x5 square around her.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
ATK +15
AGL +20
Blaze of Glory: Raises ATK and AGL for 3 turns when HP drops to 50% or less, up to 1 time per battle Pink Typhoon Potency +2%
Pink Tornado Potency +2%
Perk Details
Move +1: Raises Move by 1.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Very Weak Normal Half Res Normal
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Half Res Normal Very Weak Immune
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Half Res Normal Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Normal Half Res Super Weak
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Super Weak Normal Normal

She also appears cursed in her Hare-raising suit as Jinxed Jade, who is a S-rank member of the Hero family as part of the limited 4.0 Update Festival's Eve Mindini's Boogie-Woogie Rescue Mission event appearing on her own banner alongside Gold angel. She can also participate in Penny pincher's Battle Road as a party member.

Jinxed Jade (呪われしマルティナ Norowa reshi Marutina)Tactlogo.png

Family Rank Role
Tact Icon Hero.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact DebuffType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
130 1,301 537 2
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
395 472 473 227 60
Basic Skills
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Devil Step / Stats Up Bang Res +25 / Stats Up Sexy Bunny Body: When attacked by a physical or martial attack: Occasionally charms. / Devil Hammer Potency +5% / Stats Up
Fourth Fifth
Zap Res +25 / Stats Up Max HP +100 / Devil Hammer Potency +5% / Stats Up
Leader Perks
Raises martial potency/recovery for all allies, including herself by 15% in a 5x5 square around her.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
Max HP +30
DEF +20
Re-Vamp: Battle start or action start: Reduces damage by 30% if user's HP is 50% or over, raises martial potency/recovery by 30% if user's HP is 50% or less. Devil Hammer Potency +2%
Perk Details
Devil Step: Battle start: Greatly raises AGL and Move for 3 turns.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Very Weak Very Weak Normal Normal
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Half Res Half Res Normal Half Res
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Normal Normal Half Res
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Normal Normal Normal
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Super Weak Super Weak Normal Immune


Jade's original Japanese name, Martina, is the feminine form of the Roman name Martinus. The name ultimately derives from Mars, the Roman god of war, and befits her role as a martial artist. Martina was a 3rd-century patron saint of the city of Rome.

Her localized name, Jade, is derived from the ornamental stone of the same name, which is used in jewelry and artwork. It is also a shade of green, which fits as the majority of her outfit is colored green. Jade was greatly valued in Asian countries. Confucius believed that jade had properties encouraging bravery, honesty, and purity.


  • Jade is 165 centimeters tall, or 5' 4.
  • In the international fan poll for Dragon Quest XI that was released by Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu, Jade was voted the most popular female character in the game and the third most popular character overall, with a total of 606 votes.
  • It is revealed in Dragon Quest Tact that Jade has a pretty huge sweet-tooth. This also serves as the big weakness of her's that Mindini was trying to uncover.
  • Each of the Luminary's companions represents one of the classes in Dragon Quest III. Jade represents the Martial Artist.
