Dark robe

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Dark robe
DQVIII Dark Robe.png
Japanese やみのころも
ダークローブ (V)
Romaji yami no koromo
Daku robu (V)
Old localizations Dark Clothes (DQVII PSX)
Found in Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest XI
Effect Increases evasion
Reduces Frizz, Sizz, Woosh, & Crack damage (V)

The dark robe is a recurring cloak in the Dragon Quest franchise. Its a special cowl with a midnight blue dye, typically worn by thieves and other agile characters to allow them to blend in with the shadows, increasing evasion.

Localization history[edit]

Note that the item called by this name in Dragon Quest V is an entirely separate garment in Japanese, called the ダークローブ dāku rōbu ("Dark Robe"), which does not increase evasion, but instead reduces Frizz, Sizz, Woosh, and Crack damage by 20 points.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

The dark robe has a defence bonus of +74 and increases evasion to 25%. It only appears in the remakes and can be equipped by Martial Artists, Gadabouts, and Thieves. One may be found in Cantlin and another in the fourth Treasures n' Trapdoors track in Kol. The dark robe can be sold for 12,375 gold, but it is not recommended to do so as there is a limited amount in the game.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Dark robe III HD icon.png Dark robe DRAGONQUEST III HD2D Logo 800px.png
Just the right hue to make avoiding enemy attacks that bit easier
Stats Vocations
Defence +97 Gadabout iconHD2D.pngMartial artist iconHD2D.pngThief iconHD2D.png
+25% dodge rate
Price Location
NA/12,375 Cantlin

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride[edit]

The dark robe has a defence bonus of +55. It can only be worn by certain monster companions, and reduces frizz, sizz, woosh, and crack damage by 20 points.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

In addition to raising evasion, it also offers 78 points of defense and 32 style points. It can be equipped by Maribel, Ruff and Sir Mervyn. The only way to get this item in the Playstation version is as a rare drop (1/256 chance) from the Swag bagger. It can be sold for 8250 gold.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King[edit]

A jet-black robe that makes it easier to dodge enemy attacks

The dark robe has a defence bonus of +87, and raises evasion by 25%. It can be worn by Yangus and Morrie and sold for 10,500 gold. It is obtainable through a few means, including:

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQVIII Dark robe.png
Dark robe
DQVIII Cloak of evasion.png
Cloak of evasion
DQVIII Wing of bat.png
Wing of bat
DQVIII Devil tail.png
Devil's tail

The dark robe can also be used to make a phantom mask by combining it with an iron headgear, one of the best end-game helmet options of Angelo.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

DQIX dark robe.png Dark robe DQIX Logo.png
Dark robe IX artwork.png
A gloomy-looking gown that sends enemy attacks astray
Rarity Stats Vocations
★★☆☆☆ Defence +37
Evasion +2%
Upgrades into the Macabre mantle
Price Location
13,500/6,750 Sold in Upover
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQIX velvet cape.png DQIX Evencloth.png x3 DQIX Slipweed.png x3

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

Dark robe DQXI Logo EN.png
Dark robe xi icon.png
A midnight-blue mantel that enhances evasion
Stats with forge buffs
Defence +80/84/88/93
Evasion +4%
Price Location
N/A Fun-Size Forge
Forging difficulty
Black tear xi icon.png Evencloth xi icon.png x3 Faerie fluff xi icon.png x3 Lambswool x3 Slipweed xi icon.png x3
Erik sprite walk.gifSylvando sprite walk.gifJade sprite walk.gif

The instruction guide for crafting the robe is the The Fandom of the Opera, which is found in the Sage's trial section of Drustan's Labyrinth.
