
From Dragon Quest Wiki

Manoza is a castle town in the overworld of Dragon Quest III.

It corresponds to Brazil's placement in South America in the real world, and is surrounded by impassable mountains and can only be breached via the Wayfarer's Chapel teleportal or by Ramia.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

The Hero's first arrival in Manoza is a grim one, with a funeral being held for a man named Breno. Speaking to the people gathered, the party learns that he was put to death for no more than just speaking ill of the King. The regent has said to have been very kind-hearted and considerate to his subjects in the recent past, but has all of a sudden become a tyrannical despot who rules with an iron fist. The villagers are distraught, with some families willing to risk the dangers of the wild just to escape living in fear of being put to death every waking moment. The world-famous swordsman Simão was banished by the king as well, sentenced to life in prison in the hellish Shrine of Shackles

Upon entering the castle, the party will see that the staff is walking on the same eggshells that the normal citizens are. Guards obey needlessly cruel orders, kitchen staff prepare disgusting meals of bat wings and lizard tails, and dancing girls are forced to perform for hours on end in the throne room even while the King slumbers upstairs. Upon speaking to the dictator, the King will declare that he doesn't like the look of the Hero and has the party thrown into the dungeon. Fortunately, the guards play dumb and allow the Hero to escape through the secret tunnel below the castle, and here the real king is found.

The true King explains that Manoza has been taken over by a Boss troll who is impersonating him via his stolen Mod Rod. The heroes must retrieve the Ra's Mirror from the Manoza Cave in the southeast and use it on the imposter while he sleeps in order to reveal his true identity.

The troll is stupid enough to sleep without guards posted, allowing the Hero to slip into the chamber easily.

Upon the deceiver's death, the country declares that the Hero is nothing short of the savior of the land and peace is restored.

Shops & services[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb.png Medicinal herb8?
ICON-Antidotal herb.png Antidotal herb10?
ICON-Holy water.png Holy water20?
ICON-Chimaera wing.png Chimaera wing25?
ICON-Moonwort bulb.png Moonwort bulb30?
ICON-Coagulant.png Coagulant500/310?

ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon & armour shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Staff of sentencing.png Staff of sentencing2,700+37
ICON-Knuckledusters.png Knuckledusters7,100+40
ICON-Zombiesbane.png Zombiesbane9,800+67
ICON-Magic armour.png Magic armour5,800+40
ICON-Dragon shield.png Dragon shield3,500+32
ICON-nopic.png Black bandana1,200+18
ICON-Iron mask.png Iron mask3,500+25

Nearby monsters[edit]


Usage of Manoza in another area[edit]

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Shops & services[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb III HD.png Medicinal herb8Restores at least 30 HP to a single ally
ICON-Strong medicine III HD.png Strong medicine48Restores at least 50 HP to a single ally
ICON-Magic water III HD.png Magic water600Restores at least 15 MP to a single ally
ICON-Antidotal herb III HD.png Antidotal herb10Cures poison from one party member
ICON-Holy water III HD.png Holy water20Wards off weaker monsters
ICON-Chimaera wing III HD.png Chimaera wing25Can be used to return to previously visited locations
ICON-Moonwort bulb III HD.png Moonwort bulb30Cures paralysis
ICON-Tangleweb III HD.png Tangleweb35Casts Deceleratle on one group
ICON-Dazzle-me-not III HD.png Dazzle-me-not120Lifts illusions
ICON-Musk III HD.png Musk150Monsters attack more often for a brief time
ICON-Dieamend III HD.png Dieamend800Prevents instant-death once
ICON-Full moon ring III HD.png Full moon ring990Defence +4
Paralysis res. +6%
ICON-Ring of clarity III HD.png Ring of clarity840Defence +4
Fuddle res. +6%
ICON-Rousing ring III HD.png Rousing ring550Defence +4
Sleep res. +6%
ICON-Care rivière III HD.png Care rivière940Defence +4
Fizzle res. +15%
ICON-Necklace of immunity III HD.png Necklace of immunity320Defence +4
Poison res. +15%
ICON-Torc of truth III HD.png Torc of truth700Defence +4
Dazzle res. +15%
ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon & armour shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Sandstorm spear III HD.png Sandstorm spear13,700Attack +76
Casts Dazzle
ICON-Zombiesbane III HD.png Zombiesbane12,800Attack +68
+130% damage to zombies
ICON-Magic armour III HD.png Magic armour6,900Defence +50
-33% all spell damage
ICON-Dragon shield III HD.png Dragon shield6,200Defence +47
-25% all breath damage
ICON-Magic shield III HD.png Magic shield4,300Defence +40
-25% all spell damage
ICON-Phantom mask III HD.png Phantom mask4,400Defence +34
Evasion +12.5%
ICON-Thief's turban III HD.png Thief's turban5,700Defence +36
ICON-Iron mask III HD.png Iron mask6,900Attack +38
ICON-Silver cuirass III HD.png Silver cuirass9,000Defence +66
ICON-Wizard's robe III HD.png Wizard's robe8,400Defence +60
Wisdom +20
ICON-Dragon scale III HD.png Dragon scale200Defence +5
ICON-Ruby wristband III HD.png Ruby wristband2,050Defence +8
Show-off personality
ICON-Weightlifter's belt III HD.png Weightlifter's belt4,700Attack +13
Tough cookie personality

Dragon Quest of the Stars[edit]

The Manoza scenario reappears in the Cell phone title, with the Boss troll serving as the boss fight.

Notable Resident[edit]

  • Breno (Originally Barano and Brennan) - Executed for bad mouthing the king. The Hero and party first arrive to town as he is mourned, thus prompting them to investigate the ruler.


  • "Manoza" is an anagram of "Amazon", as in the Amazon rainforest.
  • Manoza is the only only town other than the Immigrant Town to have different townspeople placement at a certain time during the events of the game. Upon the first visit, the Hero and party witness the ongoing funeral of Breno with his family and friends attending. This occurs only on the first visit and afterward all townspeople are located in their normal locations.
