List of characters in Dragon Quest III

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This is a list of characters in Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation.

Party Members[edit]

  • The Hero is the child of Ortega, and lives in Aliahan. On their 16th birthday, they seek permission from the King to follow in their father's footsteps as an adventurer.
  • The Party: The recruitable companions who accompany the Hero on their quest. A Merchant helps establish the Immigrant Town.

Other Characters[edit]

  • Ortega (オルテガ): The Hero's father. Shortly after the hero was born, he left to defeat the Archfiend Baramos, and he is renowned across the world for his feats. It is thought that he died fighting a monster on the rim of the volcano Necrogond; in reality, he fell into the land of Alefgard and was trapped. He then sought to defeat Zoma, Lord of the Underworld.
  • Patty (ルイーダ): Proprietor of Patty's Party Planning Place. She organizes a party for the Hero and offers words of advice.
  • Kirk Buzzer: A thief from Aliahan who was caught and imprisoned. He created the Thief's Key.
  • King of Romaria: The ruler of Romaria whose crown was stolen by Robbin' 'Ood. Upon its return, he will offer the crown to the hero and abdicate in their stead; however, as this prevents the Hero from continuing their quest, he returns to ruling the country.
  • Portogus Rex: The ruler of Portoga. He is fond of black pepper, which he calls "the greatest treasure of the East", and charges the Hero with obtaining some for him; upon delivery, he rewards the Hero with a Ship. He is friends with Nordy the Dwarf, who says he is "honest and straightforward… And he knows how to treat a dwarf."
  • Nordy the Dwarf: A dwarf who lives in a tunnel that connects the eastern and western portions of the large continent; however, because he doesn't like humans, he denies passage through his tunnel.
  • Tanaya (タニア): The granddaughter of the owner of the Black pepper shop in Baharata. She is kidnapped by Robbin' 'Ood and held in the Kidnapper's Cave. Her boyfriend is Gopal Gupta.
  • Gopal Gupta (グプタ): Tanaya's boyfriend. He attempts to rescue rescue Tanaya from Robbin' 'Ood but ends getting up captured himself. After freed, he takes over the pepper shop from Tanaya's grandfather.
  • Petya: A young boy from Mur whom Ortega befriended in his travels.
  • Pimiko (ヒミコ): The ruler of Jipang. She initially appears as an evil ruler who oppresses and deceives the people into making human sacrifices to the Orochi, but it is revealed that was Orochi in disguise; in reality, she was killed and replaced before the Hero arrived. In the remake editions, Pimiko can be found alive and well on the upper floor of Jipang's pachisi track, which can only be unlocked via a wish granted by defeating Xenlon after finishing the main game.
  • Simão, formerly translated as Simon (サイモン): The former hero of Manoza, he was banished by its imposter king, and then later imprisoned and died in the Shrine of Shackles. He was the owner of of the Mountaincleaver, used to open a passage passed the volcano to the Cave of the Necrogond.
  • Pirate Captain: The leader of the pirates at the Pirates' Den, much feared and respected by her subordinates. Despite her fearsome reputation, she and her pirates and kind and helpful to the Hero, and have a celebration in their honour after defeating Baramos. The Captain gets on especially well with a female Hero.
  • Eric (エリック): A sailor who died in a storm and was subsequently imprisoned aboard the Phantom Ship. He sails on it aimlessly as a ghost, and his Locket of Love is also hidden on-board.
  • Olivia (オリビア): Eric's lover. Distraught by his death, she threw herself off the cliffs near the Shrine of Shackles. Her spirit haunts the area and prevents ships from reaching the shrine. The area has since become known as Olivia's Promontory.
  • Dragon Queen: Lives in the Castle of the Dragon Queen. She is close to death, but bestows the Sphere of Light to the Hero before she passes.
  • King of Alefgard (ラルス1世): The nominal ruler of Alefgard, located in the castle of Tantegel. Upon defeating Zoma, he awards the Hero the title of Erdrick. He is an ancestor of the King in the first game. In the NES version, he is named Raosu; in the Game Boy Color version, he is named Lars.
  • Galen (ガライ): A bard who lives in Alefgard. He owns the Lyre of Ire. He is found is Cantlin, although he actually lives with his parents in an isolated home in northeastern Alefgard; his absence causes his parents to worry. In the time period between Dragon Quest III and Dragon Quest, he founds the town of Galenholm near his home, and is later buried in the town in a dungeon named the Grave of Galen.
  • Rubiss (ルビス): It is the earth spirit that created Alefgard. Zoma's curse has turned it into a stone statue.
  • Xenlon (しんりゅう): A dragon who lives in Cloudsgate Citadel. She will grant the Hero a wish if they can best her in combat. Only appears in the remakes.
  • Gran Dragon (グランドラゴーン): A dragon who lives in the Ice Cave. Defeating him in battle will grant the Rubiss sword. Only appears in the Game Boy Color version.


  • Zoma (ゾーマ): The final boss of the game, he is the Lord of the Underworld that rules Alefgard, and has clouded it in darkness. He calls himself the "bringer of oblivion"; the people's suffering is his joy. The darkness that shrouds his body protects him from harm, but it can be stripped away using the Sphere of Light.
  • Baramos (バラモス): The Archfiend that seeks to rule the world; he lives in his castle on the summit of Necrogond. He has the head of a pteranodon. For the first half of the story, he appears to be the final boss; but after he is defeated it is revealed that he is merely one of the underlings of Zoma.
  • Robbin' 'Ood (カンダタ): He is the leader of a large group of bandits. He stole the King's crown of the King of Romaria, and kidnapped Tanaya and Gopal Gupta from Baharata. His original hideout is in Skyfell Tower, and he has another east of Baharata. He later finds his way into Alefgard, and is imprisoned in Tantegel when he re-encounters the Hero. After the defeat of Zoma, he pledges to reform. In one of the texts related to Dragon Quest II, he is revealed as the founder of Dirkandor.
  • Orochi (やまたのおろち): A dragon-demon that hides in a cave under Jipang. It slew Pimiko and took on her form, plaguing the residents of Jipang.
  • Boss troll (ボストロール): The true form of the tyrannical King of Manoza. He used the Mod Rod to impersonate the real king, and imprisoned him in the castle dungeons. He rules the castle with an iron fist, confining visitors in the dungeons and executing the citizenry for minor offences.
  • King Hydra (キングヒドラ): One Zoma's underlings. It kills Ortega in battle. More of them appear in the remakes through the bonus dungeon, Cloudsgate Citadel


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