Alltrades Abbey (Dragon Quest III)

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Alltrades Abbey is a large temple in Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation where characters can change their Vocation.

The abbey is set in the mountains northeast of Baharata, which would place it in approximately the same location as Tibet in the real world. In the remakes of the game, the resident abbot will comment on the choices the player makes if the character's Personality doesn't match the lifestyle they are undertaking.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

In order to change a character's vocation, that individual must first reach Level 20 in their current profession. Once this has been met, they may become any of the seven basic vocations and their stats will will be cut in half. An NPC advises to turn a Mage into a Warrior to have a caster with durability, and to change a Priest into a Martial Artist to make the group's healer lightning fast.

If the Hero attempts to change their vocation, the abbot will snap at them and ask who could save the world in their place.

Originally, the option to change a character into a Gadabout wasn't present, but later versions of the game allowed for the change.

Becoming a Sage[edit]

In order to become a Sage a character must either possess the Words of Wisdom in their inventory or be a Gadabout. In the former case, the scroll will be removed from the character's possession and another must be acquired to change a non-Gadabout into a Sage.

Changing names[edit]

In the remakes of Dragon Quest III, there is an NPC which can change the name of any character. This NPC is located on the far left side outside the abbey. It is also possible to change the name of the player's bag when interacting with this NPC.

Treasure (16-bit version only)[edit]

Nearby monsters[edit]

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Shops & services[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb III HD.png Medicinal herb8Restores at least 30 HP to a single ally
ICON-Strong medicine III HD.png Strong medicine48Restores at least 50 HP to a single ally
ICON-Magic water III HD.png Magic water600Restores at least 15 MP to a single ally
ICON-Antidotal herb III HD.png Antidotal herb10Cures poison from one party member
ICON-Holy water III HD.png Holy water20Wards off weaker monsters
ICON-Chimaera wing III HD.png Chimaera wing25Can be used to return to previously visited locations
ICON-Moonwort bulb III HD.png Moonwort bulb30Cures paralysis
ICON-Musk III HD.png Musk150Monsters attack more often for a brief time
ICON-Gusterang III HD.png Gusterang6,200Attack +46
Wind element
ICON-Somatic staff III HD.png Somatic staff6,600Attack +96 +4
Drains 3 MP per smack
ICON-Full plate armour III HD.png Full plate armour III HD3,500Defence +39
ICON-Fizzle-retardant suit III HD.png Fizzle-retardant suit III HD4,400Defence +46
Fizzle res. +30%
ICON-Light shield III HD.png Light shield2,050Defence +32
ICON-Black bandana III HD.png Black bandana1,900Defence +24
ICON-Aerofoil III HD.png Aerofoil earrings3,300Wisdom +8
-25% Wind damage
ICON-Anti-freeze earrings III HD.png Anti-freeze earrings3,300Wisdom +8
-25% Ice damage
ICON-Ring of clarity III HD.png Ring of clarity840Defence +4
Fuddle res. +6%
ICON-Rousing ring III HD.png Rousing ring550Defence +4
Sleep res. +6%


See also[edit]