Purple Orb

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Purple Orb
Japanese パープルオーブ
Romaji {{{romaji}}}
Old localizations Same
Found in Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest XI
Effect Varies

The Purple Orb is one of the legendary Six Orbs that appear throughout the series.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

The Purple Orb required to hatch Ramia, and it is held by Pimiko in the village of Jipang. Pimiko is really the Orochi in disguise. By entering the Cave Northeast of Jipang and fighting the Orochi, the Hero and party cause it to retreat into a nearby teleportal. Taking the magical gate themselves, the party are transported to in Pimiko's chamber in Jipang. After fighting the Orochi a second time in the chamber, she leaves behind the Purple Orb after being killed.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King[edit]

The Purple Orb is an important item that must be found at Master Rylus's burned down house in Farebury before the final battle with Rhapthorne.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

A ridiculously rare orb of deep purple. Alchemise it! - Dragon Quest IX game description

The Purple Orb reappears in Dragon Quest IX as a very exotic alchemy ingredient, used for some of the highest alchemy recipes. It is a rare drop from Dhoulmagus, Rhapthorne, and (at certain level ranges) Nokturnus Legacy Bosses.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

The Purple Orb is found in a small chamber beneath the ruins of the Zwaardsrust Region. A troubadour in the nearby Warrior's Rest Inn sings a song that hints at the orb's location. The treasure chest with the orb is behind a red locked door, meaning the party must obtain the Magic key in Phnom Nonh first. Rab's Party Chat dialogue after the Magic Key is collected mentions the locked door in Zwaardsrust--another helpful hint for first-time players.

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During Act 2, the Purple Orb is in the possession of the Spectral Sentinel Tyriant, who uses it to create a shadow double of himself in the boss battle against him. When Tyriant falls, the Hero regains the Purple Orb. This makes the Purple Orb the first orb regained in Act 2, as Tyriant is the first Spectral Sentinel to be defeated.

Jasper also appears to be holding and using the Purple Orb when he attacks the party at Yggdrasil. It is never specifically mentioned that this is the Purple Orb, but from the look of the item and the in-game context, it seems very likely.
