Farebury Region

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The Farebury Region is a region that appears in Dragon Quest VIII.


Farebury Woods[edit]

See main article: Farebury Woods

A safe place where travelers stop to rest between the Kingdom of Trodain and Farebury. The Hero, King Trode, Princess Medea and Yangus take a breather here near the start of their journey.


See main article: Farebury

Farebury is the home of Master Rylus, a teacher in the magical arts and former master of Dhoulmagus. The Hero, Yangus, Trode and Medea enter the town with the intention of questioning Rylus on his pupil's whereabouts. But when they arrive, they are stunned to find out that Rylus was killed in a house-fire. The party is forced to leave when the townsfolk chase them away because of Trode, but Valentina, the daughter of the town's failed fortune teller Kalderasha, stops them at the gate and asks for their help. She implores them to find the crystal ball that belonged to her father. It turns out Kalderasha threw the crystal ball into the Waterfall Cave.

Waterfall Cave[edit]

See main article: Waterfall Cave

The tall peak south of Farebury. This is where the party goes to find the crystal ball of the great fortune teller Kalderasha. After trailing far through the cave, they eventually come to the crystal ball in the waterfall and Geyzer, the waterfall's crazed guardian. After acquiring the crystal ball from the waterfall, the party returned to town and gave it to Kalderasha. He then told them the story of why he got rid of it and directed them to Alexandria.

Waterfall Shack[edit]

See main article: Waterfall Shack

The Hero and his party visit the old man of Waterfall Shack several times throughout their quest, with the first visit involving the retrieval of his missing toolbag by a red tree east of Farebury. Afterwards, he takes notice of Munchie stating that he's no ordinary mouse and will give the Hero a portion of Cheese from time to time.

Untrodden Grove[edit]

To the west of Farebury is an Untrodden Grove. A shrine dedicated to one of the Seven Sages can be found, along with two friendly monsters who were acquainted with the sage.

Bridge to Trodain[edit]

A bridge previously existed allowing easy travel to and from the Farebury Region & the Kingdom of Trodain. It is currently down due to it being wrecked.

Southern Checkpoint[edit]

Another bridge which allows travel between the Farebury and Alexandria Region. Originally had doors to keep suspicious individuals from passing too easy, but was destroyed by a powerful individual


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(Additional monsters after the fall of the Black Citadel)

Infamous monsters[edit]


Item Location
Seed of life North of Farebury near cliffs
Boxer shorts Far west of Farebury.
Mini medal #003 Southwest of Farebury in forest near river. Requires Thief's Key to unlock a chest.
Tool bag At base of giant red tree east of Farebury.
82 Gold Southeast of giant red tree east of Farebury.

