
From Dragon Quest Wiki

The Mountaincleaver is a sparsely appearing weapon found in the series. It is notable for being the very first event weapon in the Dragon Quest series.

Japanese ガイアのつるぎ
Romaji Gaia no tsurugi
Old localizations Sword of Gaia
Gaia sword
Found in Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Effect Plot progression


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

The mountainclever is found near the corpse of Simão within the Shrine of Shackles. Another mountaincleaver can be found the in Cloudsgate Citadel in the various remakes of the game.

It can be wielded by both The Hero & Warriors, and has the Attack bonus of +51 (+48 in the NES version).

By throwing the sword into the volcano east of Isis, it will open the path to the Maw of the Necrogond. The sword can also be equipped as a normal weapon before being thrown in the volcano, after which it is removed from the player's inventory.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Mountaincleaver III HD icon.png Mountaincleaver DRAGONQUEST III HD2D Logo 800px.png
Capable of shifting the very earth itself; this blade is truly the stuff of legend
Stats Vocations
Attack +74 Hero iconHD2D.pngWarrior iconHD2D.png
Price Location
N/A Shrine of Shackles

Dragon Quest Builders 2[edit]

The recipe for the sword is the reward for defeating the powerful blue dragon lurking south of the dock in Chapter 3. It takes four ingots of steel, one gold ingot, and increases the builder's Attack by +82.
