List of weapons in Dragon Quest VI

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Image Name Attack Style Equip Notes Found
Poison needle 1 15 Milly, Nevan, Terry, Ashlynn Chance to kill on hit; always does one point of damage.
Cypress stick 2 0 Ashlynn, Carver, Nevan, Milly
DQ Bamboo Lance.png
Bamboo spear 5 1 Hero, Carver, Nevan, Terry, Lizzie
DQV Bone Stake.png
Bone stake 6 3 Ashlynn, several slimes
Oaken club 9 5 Hero, Amos, Carver, Lizzie, Terry, Goowain
Giant mallet 10 -5 Amos, Lizzie, Carver
DQVI Stone Fangs.png
Stone fangs 12 3 All slimes except Goowain
DQVIII Bronze Knife.png
Bronze knife 12 8 Milly, Ashlynn, Nevan, Goowain
Copper Sword.png
Copper sword 13 9 Hero, Carver, Terry, Amos, Lizzie, Goowain
Boomerang 15 5 Hero, Amos, Terry, all slimes Hits all enemies
Staffofghent6.jpg Staff of Ghent 15 16 Nevan, all slimes except Goowain Casts Midheal when used as a tool in battle
Thorn whip 18 7 Milly, Ashlynn Hits a group of enemies
Stone axe 19 4 Carver, Amos, Lizzie, Goowain
DQIII Iron Claw.png Iron claw 21 15 Carver, Amos, Goowain
Ironstaff6.jpg Iron staff 22 8 Milly, Nevan
DQVIII Poison Moth Knife Artwork.png
Poison moth knife 24 13 Milly, Ashlynn, Nevan, all slimes Chance to paralyze on hit
Edgedboomerrang6.jpg Edged boomerang 25 19 Hero, Amos, Terry, all slimes save Goowain Hits all enemies
DQIII Chain Sickle.png
Chain sickle 27 13 Hero, Carver, Terry, Amos, Lizzie, Goowain
Chainwhip6.jpg Chain whip 28 18 Ashlynn, Lizzie, Nevan Hits a group of enemies
Lightning staff 29 24 Nevan Casts Sizzle when used as a tool in battle
Sledgehammer6.jpg Sledgehammer 30 6 Carver, Amos, Lizzie
Steel broadsword 33 16 Hero, Carver, Amos, Terry, Goowain
DQV Steel Fangs.png
Steel fangs 35 8 Slimes except Goowain
Staff of divine wrath 35 20 Milly, Nevan Casts Swoosh when used as a tool during battle
Falcon knife earrings 35 32 Milly, Ashlynn, all slimes except Goowain Hits twice; 100% per hit for 200% damage.
Morningstar6.jpg Morning star 38 14 Ashlynn, Nevan, Lizzie Hits a group of enemies
Antimagistaff6.jpg Staff of antimagic 40 18 Ashlynn, Amos, Carver Casts Fizzle when used as a tool during battle
Cauterysword6.jpg Cautery sword 42 23 Hero, Milly, Amos, Terry, Lizzie, Goowain Casts Sizz when used as a tool in battle
Battle axe 49 15 Hero, Carver, Amos, Terry, Lizzie
DQV Fire Claw.png Fire claw 53 21 Carver, Amos, all slimes except Goowain Casts Frizzle when used as a tool in battle. On hit: inflicts Frizz damage
Sawblade6.jpg Saw blade 54 -2 (33*) Terry, Lizzie, Carver
Gracos'trident6.jpg Gracos' trident 58 -10 (40*) Hero, Carver, Nevan, Amos, Terry, Lizzie Casts Buff when used as a tool in battle
Lunarfan6.jpg Lunar fan 60 30 Milly, all slimes except Goowain
Platinumsword6.jpg Platinum sword 60 45 Hero, Carver, Milly, Ashlynn, Amos, Terry, Goowain
Icicle dirk 62 31 Ashlynn, Carver Casts Crackle when used as a tool in battle. On hit: inflicts Crack damage
DQVI Rusty Sword.png
Rusty sword 63 12 Hero Needs to be reforged
Magma staff 63 30 Hero, Carver, Milly, Ashlynn Casts Magma Blast when used as a tool during battle
Warhammer6.jpg War hammer 64 19 (50*) Amos, Carver, Terry, Lizzie
Spikedsteelwhip6.jpg Spiked steel whip 65 22 Ashlynn Hits a group of enemies
Flametangboomerrang6.jpg Flametang boomerang 65 25 (52*) Hero, Terry, Amos, all slime recruits except Goowain Hits all enemies
Dream blade 65 28 Hero, Terry, Amos, Goowain Chance to cause monster on hit
Staffofressurection6.jpg Staff of resurrection 66 38 Nevan, Milly Casts Zing when used as a tool during battle
Falconblade6.jpg Falcon blade 67 32 (60*) Hero, Milly, Ashlynn, Amos, Terry, Goowain Hits twice; 75% per hit for 150% damage.
Sirensword6.jpg Siren sword 70 51 Milly, Ashlynn Chance to cause confusion on hit
Ferocious Fangs.png
Ferocious fangs 73 25 All slimes except Goowain Chance to paralyze on hit
Tsunamistaff6.jpg Watermaul wand 74 42 Nevan, Ashlynn, Terry Casts Tidal Wave when used as a tool during battle
Zombiesbane6.jpg Zombiesbane 80 5 (62*) Carver, Terry, Amos, Goowain Inflicts 150% damage on undead
Fireblade6.jpg Fire blade 87 33 (36*) Hero, Nevan, Amos, Carver, Terry, Lizzie, Goowain Casts Bang when used as a tool during battle. On hit: inflicts Frizz damage
DQV Demon Claw.png
Cobra claw 90 29 Ashlynn, all slimes except Goowain Chance to poison on hit
DQIV Massacre Sword.png
Massacre sword 95 15 Carver, Terry, Amos, Lizzie, Goowain Hits all enemies. Cursed: Character Defense becomes 0.
Dragonsbane6.jpg Dragonsbane 95 35 (55*) Hero, Carver, Amos, Lizzie, Terry, Goowain Inflicts 150% damage on dragons
Sunderboltblade6.jpg Sunderbolt blade 95 40 (65*) Hero, Terry, Milly, Nevan, Amos, Goowain Casts Zap when used as a tool during battle
Wizardlywhip6.jpg Wizardly whip 97 45 (70*) Ashlynn, all slimes except Goowain. Hits a group of enemies Sorceria
Demon spear 99 19 (61*) Carver, Nevan, Ashlynn, Terry, Amos Chance to kill on one hit
Miracle sword 100 38 (51*) All, except Lizzie Restores HP equal to 25% damage inflicted
Blizzardblade6.jpg Blizzard blade 105 38 Hero, Carver, Amos, Terry, Lizzie, Goowain On hit: inflicts Crack damage
Greatbow6.jpg Great bow 110 25 (65*) Carver, Terry, Goowain
Solarfan6.jpg Solar fan 110 49 (67*) Milly, all slime recruits except Goowain. Hits a group of enemies
DQIV Demons Hammer.png
Hela's hammer 115 33 Carver, Terry, Amos, Lizzie 40% critical hit rate, otherwise misses
Flail of destruction 125 26 (68*) Terry, Amos, Carver, Lizzie, Goowain Hits all enemies Buy for 300,000 tokens at the Greedmore Valley Casino
Swordoframias6.jpg Sword of Ramias 130 (135*) (145*) 32 (52*) (70*) Hero Casts Oomph when used as a tool during battle. On hit: inflicts Zap damage Everfrost Grotto (Reforged in Turnscote)
Metalkingsword6.jpg Metal king sword 130 40 All Metal Effective (+1 damage to Metal Slime Family) Mortamor's Dreadlair
Orihalchumfangs6.jpg Orichalcum fangs 135 37 Terry, all slime recruits except Goowain. Desert Bazaar (after receiving instructions from a resident of Reaper's Peak)
Gringham whip 145 57 Ashlynn Hits all enemies Undersea Treasure Chamber