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Dragon Quest Builders 2
DQB2 Lulu.png
Japanese name ルル
Romaji Ruru
Race Human
Age Teens

Lulu is a prominent character in Dragon Quest Builders 2. She is a friend of the Builder and Malroth. All three of them meet for the first time after being stranded on the Isle of Awakening and begin turning it from a barren wasteland into a place desirable to live.

Appearance and Personality[edit]

Lulu sports a pink ponytail tied to the side and wears a blue dress. She wears a white undershirt and has a black ribbon around her waist.

Lulu is a stubborn and demanding girl, bossing the Builder around from the moment they first meet and will stomp in place angrily if she isn't getting her way. When she initially meets Malroth the two constantly argue due to Malroth finding her extremely irritating. Over time their disagreements appear to develop into more of a habit than legitimate arguments. Accompanying her stubbornness, she is also a fearless individual and supports the Builder on the Isle of Awakening, even in the face of attacks from the Children of Hargon.

Like most characters in the game, she is unaware of Malroth's true nature as the Master of Destruction, but her opinions and interactions with him do not change after this revelation, and she continues to casually antagonize him.


Dragon Quest Builders 2[edit]

Lulu is ultimately a character that has a fairly passive presence in the story, she never leaves the Isle of Awakening.

Lulu is one of the prisoners the Children of Hargon abduct, and can be spoken to through her cell bars during the tutorial section of the game. She is the only other survivor of the ship's sinking, and is woken up by the Builder and Malroth on the sands of the Isle of Awakening. As the trio are all alone, they band together (or rather, Lulu makes the Builder do everything for her) to survive the night under her instructions for making shelter and preparing food.

The next morning Lulu is furious that her breakfast was stolen and chases the thieving Hammerhood up a nearby mountain, with the Builder and Malroth in tow. The thief, introducing himself as the "Hairy Hermit", encourages the Builder to restore the island and recommends a location to visit to gather materials. Lulu also wishes to rename the island "Lulutopia" and argues that Malroth's name idea, the "Evisceration Empire" is stupid. The Builder does not openly acknowledge either of their suggestions. When Lulu and Malroth complain of the lack of materials on the barren island, the hermit points them in the director of a recently docked ship captained by a man named Brownbeard, who lends the trio the service of his vessel in exchange for shelter. the Builder and Malroth depart for Furrowfield at the hermit's suggestion, Lulu stays behind on the island. While her friends are elsewhere, she learns the layout of the island and has already drafted renovation plans for a river by the time her friends return.

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While Lulu can be added to the Builder's party with the Resident's Registrar like most of the other named computer-controlled characters, she is mostly helpless and cannot be given weapons. She is capable of assisting in the construction of blueprints and can make use of the rooms the builder constructs.


Lulu, before being abducted, lived with her parents in Rippleport. She mentions that her parents were killed during her abduction.

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