Purgatory Island

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Purgatory Island is a major location in Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King.

It is a prison island west of Trodain Castle and southeast of the Savella Region.


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Both changes are included in the Nintendo 3DS version of the game.

  • After Rolo prays to the Goddess for himself, The party and The Lord High Priest, a flashback is shown as The Hero recalls when he was found by Medea and Trode through the actions of Munchie.
  • Previous versions of the game suggested that Trode and Medea found the party by luck as they continued traveling on their own. The 3DS version has them being found by Red and Morrie (the latter is present if recruited) who have managed to avoid arrest (even if either are present in fighting Sir Leopold).

Other languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolIsla Purgatorio
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisÎle Pandémonium
ICON-FLAG-DE.png DeutschInsel der Läuterung
ICON-FLAG-IT.png ItalianoIsola del purgatorio
