Monster Arena
The Monster Arena is a recurring feature in many Dragon Quest games, especially the Monsters sub-series, frequently found as part of the Casino.
The Dragon Quest Monsters series version allows the player to enter creatures he has raised in a fighting tournament; the Casino version calls on him to bet a number of tokens on a particular monster, then receives a multiplier (based on odds) of tokens back in winnings, which can then be forwarded to the next round.
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]
The first arena is found in Romaria, complimenting the Roman theme to the kingdom. Arenas are also located in Isis, Manoza, and Cantlin. As casino tokens are not in III, players bet gold on their favorite and receive multiples of the bet based on the the winner's odds. New monsters are added to the randomly selected line up at Level 10, 20, 30, 40 and 70.
Usage of Monster Arena in another area[edit]
- The center of a Monster Arena (resembling the on in Romaria is used as 8F of the Cloudsgate Citadel.
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]
The player is now able to bet on any friendly monsters encountered on the adventure, after sending them to Monty for supervision.
Dragon Quest IV & Dragon Quest V[edit]
Zenithia trilogy arenas are found in the various casinos, where players will bet tokens to exchange for prizes instead of money. The winning bet is multiplied by the monster's odds as before, with an option to bet the winnings on the next battle.
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]
- See main article: Slimopolis
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King[edit]
- See main article: Morrie's Place
Dragon Quest Monsters[edit]
Unlike most games, the arena is a mandatory element in Monsters. To qualify for the Starry Night Tournament, Terry must defeat his rivals in the arena and become the representative of GreatTree. The arena is located on the second-to-top floor of the kingdom (one floor below the castle) and can be accessed after Terry clears the Gate of Beginning.
While it is highly recommended that the player completes one class at a time, only three of the classes are required: Classes G, D, and S. All the other classes can be skipped if the player is able and wishes to do so. However, this risks the loss of breeding opportunities with NPC's so it is not recommended. Once a class is cleared, the player cannot compete in it, and any lower classes he may have skipped, again. At the beginning, Classes G to D will be available. After the player clears Class D (and the Gate of Anger afterwards), Classes C to S will be available. The third round of each class will be against a particular NPC the player is familiar with. These challengers are as followed: the principal, the doctor under the well, Teto, Master Mick, Teto, the tired guy in the restaurant, Master May, and the Medal Man.
In addition, the Starry Night Tournament takes place in the arena. It will be available after the player clears Class S and the Gate of Reflection. There is no fee to compete in the tournament. Even if the player loses the tournament, he can keep trying until he wins (just like the other arena battles).
After the player wins the tournament and returns to GreatTree, a new challenger will be available to battle in the arena. Unlike previous instances, there will be only one battle rather than three. The player can battle this legendary master as many times as he wishes.
The player will not be allowed to use items during the arena battles. Furthermore, he cannot give direct commands to his monsters. The only control the player has with his monsters' actions are setting their tactics to Charge (attacking abilities), Mixed (support abilities), and Cautious (healing abilities). The fourth option (which is usually chosen for giving direct orders) is replaced with a No Special option (which ensures the monster uses ordinary attacks rather than abilities). There is a higher chance for the monster to adhere to its given tactics if it has a low wilderness value and if its personality is correspondent to said tactic. Choosing the "Run" option will be considered a forfeit.
Rank | Opponents | Prize | Cost |
G | Round 1: Drackyx2, Anteater Round 2: Slimex2, Stubsuck Round 3: Spookyx2, Walking corpse |
Gate of Villager, Gate of Talisman | None |
F | Round 1: SpotSlimex3 Round 2: MudDollx2, Almiraj Round 3: PutrePup, MadRaven, SkullRoo |
Gate of Memories, Gate of Bewilder | 10 G |
E | Round 1: Crespent, TreeSlime, Poisongon Round 2: DrakSlime, Dragon, FairyDrak Round 3: Snailyx2, Armorpede |
Gate of Peace, Gate of Bravery | 50 G |
D | Round 1: Saccer, FloraJay, MadPlant Round 2: MedusaEyex2, MadGopher Round 3: MadCat x2, RogueNite |
Gate of Anger | 100 G |
C | Round 1: SpikyBoyx2, StubBird Round 2: Healerx2, RogueNite Round 3: BoxSlimex2, RockSlime |
Gate of Joy, Gate of Wisdom | 500 G |
B | Round 1: Hammermanx3 Round 2: AgDevil, WindMerge, TreeBoy Round 3: ArmyCrabx2, MadDragon |
Gate of Happiness, Gate of Temptation | 1000 G |
A | Round 1: FireWeed, EvilBeast, Wyvern Round 2: Grizzlyx2, Lionex Round 3: Toadstoolx2, Lipsy |
Gate of Labyrinth, Gate of Judgment | 5000 G |
S | Round 1: DanceVegix2, Voodoll Round 2: Slime, Dracky, ArmyAnt Round 3: Metabble, Roboster, MetalDrak |
Gate of Reflection | 10000 G |
Starry Night Tournament | Round 1: Centasaur, Orochi, Swordgon Round 2: Andreal, Unicorn, MadDragon Round 3: MetalKing, Coatal, RainHawk |
None | None |
Master Monster Tamer | GoldSlime, Divinegon, RoseVine | None | None |
Dragon Quest Monsters 2[edit]
The arena in GreatLog can be accessed after the player clears the Oasis Key events. Only the Kids' Class is required to complete the game as its prize is required to progress. Afterwards, Classes C to S will be available. The player will obtain a Magic Key for clearing each class. Once the player clears S Class, he or she can compete in any of the four classes, which will have randomized and much more powerful opponents. The prizes for clearing these classes are random and of higher quality the higher the class. If the player's inventory is full, he or she will receive 6000 G instead. The battling rules are the same as in Dragon Quest Monsters. The fixed monster teams will vary slightly depending on the version.
Rank | Opponents | Prize | Cost |
Kids | Round 1: Babblex2, PearlGel Round 2: SpikyBoy, Pixy, Dracky*, Eggplanton* Round 3: MadRaven x2, KiteHawk*, SkullRoo* |
Pirate Key | None |
C | Round 1: WindBeast, Gismo, PomPomPom*, Poisongon* Round 2: Devipine, Gulpple, Eggplanton*, Toadstool* Round 3: HammerMan, StubSuck, TreeBoy*, HammerMan* |
Magic Key | 100 G*, 1000 G* |
B | Round 1: TreeBoyx2, FooHero Round 2: Mommonjax2, Drygon Round 3: HerbMan, DanceVegi, MudDoll |
Magic Key | 500 G*, 2000 G* |
A | Round 1: Shadow*, MadConder, CloudKing*, Starfish*, Swordgon* Round 2: Octoreach, Octogon, KingSquid Round 3: MistyWing, CopyCat, NiteWhip |
Magic Key | 1000 G*, 3000 G* |
S | Round 1: Goopix2*, PomPomPomx2*, Servant Round 2: ArmyCrabx2, DarkCrab, Dracky, ArmyAnt Round 3: GigaDraco*, Orochi*, Serpentia*, DrakSlime*, MetalKing*, MimeSlime* |
Magic Key | 5000 G |
Other languages[edit]
Cloudsgate Citadel Monster Arena center in III. (Cell phone)
Slime, Walking stick, Scissor beatle and She-slime fighting each other in the Monster Arena from IV. (Cell phone)
Slime, King slime, King cureslime and She-slime fighting each other in the Monster Arena from IV. (Cell phone)
Metal slime, Metal king slime and Liquid metal slime fighting each other in the Monster Arena from IV. (Cell phone)
Flamethrower, Liquid metal slime and Blizzybody fighting each other in the Monster Arena from IV. (Cell phone)
2 Winkys and 2 Peepers fighting each other in the Monster Arena from IV. (Cell phone)
2 Bullfinches and a Wimp fighting each other in the Monster Arena from IV. (Cell phone)
Horny devil, Dirty dogu and Winkster fighting each other in the Monster Arena from IV. (Cell phone)
Metal slime, Healslime, Bubble slime and Slime fighting each other in the Monster Arena from V. (Cell phone)
Metal slime knight, Metal slime and Liquid metal slime fighting each other in the Monster Arena from V. (Cell phone)
Great sabrecub, Bona constrictor and Lickspittle fighting each other in the Monster Arena from V. (Cell phone)
Grudgerigar, Bludgerigar and Paralakeet fighting each other in the Monster Arena from V. (Cell phone)
Mudraker, Monster tamer, Paralakeet and Hotbog fighting each other in the Monster Arena from V. (Cell phone)
2 Air duckts, a Quack up and a Hex hellmet fighting each other in the Monster Arena from V. (Cell phone)
Pollywiggle, Morphean mollusc, Suckling ocker and Pollywaggle fighting each other in the Monster Arena from V. (Cell phone)
Monsters participating in the Arena in Tact.