Gem slime

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The gem slime is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series.

Introduced in Dragon Quest Monsters, it is a Slime in the shape of a brilliant, golden jewel.


A gem slime is, as suggested by its name, shaped like a brilliant-cut diamond, a trait most apparent when viewed from the side since its back tapers to a point away from its front. It also has a tiara-like crown that bends back and appears to be attached to the point of its jewel-shaped body. Gem slimes are typically the best sources of gold in the games they appear in, netting an adventurer several thousand for defeating one.

The gem slime's distinct design was lent to a pair of pallet swaps when it was added to the main series in VII, being the emperor slime and platinum king jewel.


Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

Gem slime (ゴールデンスライム Gōrudensuraimu) DQVII Logo.png
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
Goldslime.gif 350 18 122 120
Agility Experience Gold Recruit Rate
85 350 3,000 1128
Bestiary No. #155
Spell(s) Midheal
Skill(s) Tramples the party. (50% damage to entire party.)
Location(s) Burnmont
Item(s) Dropped Recovery ring1256
Evasion Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance *
064 25% 25% 25%
Bang Resistance * Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
25% 60% 60% 100%
Strike/Rock Resistance * Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance *
60% 25% 100% 100%
Poof Resistance * Ban Dance Resistance Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance *
100% 100% 50% 50%
Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance* Poison Resistance * Snooze Resistance *
50% 100% 100% 100%
Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance * Army Resistance *
50% 15% 60%
3DS version changes

Gem slimes do not appear until near the end of the game. They can be found in the depths of Burnmont and in the Gröndal region after the Demon King's first defeat.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

##226 - Gem slime
DQIX Gem slime.png
HP MP Experience Gold
20 88 6,000 10,080
Attack Defense Speed
455 512 456
Dropped Item Gold bar 1128
Orichalcum 1256
Locations Grotto
Skills Beams graciously (wastes turn)
Spells Magic Burst
Family Slime
Bestiary # #226
Game Dragon Quest IX
Console DS
Japanese Name ゴールデンスライム
Romanized Jap. Gōrudensuraimu
Description They await adventurers with a graceful grin, then maul them with Magic Burst. Immune to all magic.

These shining slimes were long sought by adventurers, thanks to a tale that told of all they touched turned to gold.

Gem slimes appear as one of the grotto-specific monsters found in the game, specifically appearing in the tomb-like grottoes. They have metal monster-like stats and are capable of casting Magic Burst, though defeating even one will net the player more than 10,000 gold coins. Adventurers seeking riches can farm Gem slimes with Thunder Thrust and Hatchet Man to quickly earn enough money for even the most expensive purchases, such as Chronocrystals, which cost a staggering 50,000 gold coins each. However, moneymakers should still remain wary of the powerful Magic Burst, as it can take out an unprepared party, especially when multiple Gem slimes are present in battle.

Dragon Quest Monsters[edit]

GoldSlime (ゴールデンスライム Gōrudensuraimu) DWM Logo.png
Sprite Level cap * HP growth MP growth
Gold slime.png 70 1/5 5/5
Strength growth Resilience growth Wisdom growth Agility growth
2/5 5/5 5/5 5/5
Family Slime
In-game description The toughest creature in the slime family
Abilities Surge, BigBang, Chance
Habitat Only obtainable by breeding
Breeding chart MetalKing x MetalKing
KingSlime, MetalKing, SpotKing x GoldGolem
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance * Bang Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance * Rock/Army Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Zap Resistance * Gigaslash Resistance Magic Burst Resistance Drain Magic Resistance *
Immune Strong Strong Immune
Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance * Poison Resistance * Paralysis Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Fuddle Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Ban Dance Resistance Gobstopper Resistance Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance *
Weak Weak Weak Immune
Decelerate Resistance * Curse Resistance
Immune Immune

Dragon Quest Monsters 2[edit]

GoldSlime (ゴールデンスライム Gōrudensuraimu) DWM2 Taras Adventure Logo.png
Sprite Level cap * HP growth MP growth
Goldslime.png 70 1/10 10/10
Strength growth Resilience growth Wisdom growth Agility growth
4/10 10/10 7/10 10/10
Family Slime
In-game description Its golden body is unbreakable.
Abilities BigBang, Chance, Surge
Breeding chart KingSlime, SpotKing x GoldGolem
MetalKing x GoldGolem, MetalKing
WonderEgg x MetalKing
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance * Bang Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance * Rock/Army Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Water Resistance * Zap Resistance * Gigaslash Resistance Magic Burst Resistance
Immune Immune Strong Strong
Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance * Poison Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Paralysis Resistance * Fuddle Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Fizzle Resistance Ban Dance Resistance Gobstopper Resistance Stun Resistance *
Immune Weak Weak Weak
Sap Resistance * Decelerate Resistance * Curse Resistance
Immune Immune Immune

Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker[edit]

Gem slime
Family Slime
Rank X
Description These multi-faceted slimes are strong against any manner of attack.
Weapons Spears, Axes, Claws, Staves
Traits Metal Body, Escape Artist
Resistances Practically Invincible
Skill Bang & Zap
Location -
Breeding chart Grandpa slime x Grandpa slime x Gold golem x Gold golem

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2[edit]

Gem slime
Family Slime
Rank X
Size M
Weapons Axes, Spears, Claws, Staves
Traits Metal Body, Hit Squad, Big Hitter
Resistances Immune to Frizz, Bang, Woosh, Crack, Zap, Zam, Sizz, Donk, Abiliterator, Blade Blunter, Fire Breath, Cold Breath, Whack, Poison, Drain Magic, Gobstopper, Ban Dance, Confusion, Inaction, Paralysis, Sleep, Decelerate, Dim, and Magical Sabotage.
Skill Bang & Zap
Location -
Breeding chart Grandpa slime x Grandpa slime x Balhib x Balhib

Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3[edit]

The gem slime is a Rank S two-slot monster with the metal body trait. It can be synthesized by combining a gold slime, Golden pearl slime, gold angel slime, and a gem jamboree. It can also be obtained through entering a code in the Wi-Fi Plaza.

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[edit]

Gem slime (ゴールデンスライム Gōrudensuraimu) DQM3 Logo.png
Icon Family Max HP* Max MP*
Gem slime DQM3 portrait.jpeg DQM3 slime family icon.png 840 750
Max Attack* Max Defence * Max Agility * Max Wisdom *
430 1,200 850 1,030
Bestiary No. #059
Rank A
In-game description Their solid-gold physiques are the envy of all slimekind. They also serve as status symbols among monster wranglers―including one in your squad is basically showing off
Talents Altruist
Guaranteed traits Metal Skin, Late Bloomer, Close Scraper
Large-size exclusive traits Tactical Trooper, Bigger Upper, Rando-Relief
Habitat Unavailable in the wild
Items N/A
Synthesis chart Metal king slime DQM3 portrait.png X Balhib DQM3 portrait.jpeg
Notable synthesis
Fire Resistance * Water Resistance * Wind Resistance * Earth Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Explosion Resistance * Ice Resistance * Electricity Resistance * Light Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Dark Resistance * Antimagic Resistance * Bedazzlement Resistance * Confusion Resistance *
100% 0% 0% 100%
Debilitation Resistance* MP Absorption Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Poison Resistance *
0% 0% 100% 100%
Sleep Resistance * Stun Resistance *
-75% -75%
Instant Death Resistance *

NOTE: large-sized gem slimes are programmed to have unique stat reductions instead of those brought on by the Tactical Trooper trait, with their maximum HP, MP, attack, and wisdom being reduced by 15% while their defence and agility are increased by 10%.

Dragon Quest: Monster Parade[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light[edit]

Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime[edit]

Dragon Quest of the Stars[edit]

Dragon Quest Rivals[edit]

Dragon Quest Walk[edit]

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Gem slime appears as a S-rank monster of the Slime family on its own banner alongside the Gold-plated puppet as part of the 1-Year Festival Eve "Invites to the Land of Golden Sands" limited event.

Gem slime (ゴールデンスライム Gōrudensuraimu)Tactlogo.png

DQT Gem Slime.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon Slime.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact SupportType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
130 628 530 2
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
268 531 340 460 50
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Damage Barrier Golden Multiheal* Gold Cannon*
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Auto MP Regen/Stats Up Omni-Element Res +5/Stats Up Gold Cannon Potency +5%/Stats Up
Fourth Fifth
Omni-Element Res +5/Stats Up Gold Cannon Potency +5%/Stats Up
Leader Perks
Raises spell potency of slimes, including itself, by 20% in a 5x5 square around it.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
Metal Body: Reduces damage by 30% and raises ability MP cost by 20%. Max MP +15
WIS +15
Gold Cannon Potency +2%
Perk Details
Auto MP Regen: Restores MP at action start.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Half Res Half Res Half Res Half Res
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Half Res Half Res Very Weak Half Res
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Half Res Half Res Half Res Half Res
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Half Res Half Res Half Res Half Res
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Half Res Half Res Half Res Super Weak

Other jet-set jellies[edit]
