Weightlifter's belt

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Weightlifter's belt
DQIII Weightlifters Belt.png
Japanese パワーベルト
Romaji Pawāberuto
Old localizations PowerBelt
Found in Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
Effect Changes personality

The weightlifter's belt is a recurring accessory in the Dragon Quest series which first appeared in the Super Famicom version of Dragon Quest III.

Localization history[edit]

The Japanese name パワーベルト (power belt) was first localized into English in 2005 as the titan belt for the international release of Dragon Quest VIII. The term would then be replaced in 2014 with the weightlifter's belt for the Android/iOS port of Dragon Quest III before reverting back to the titan belt name for Dragon Quest Heroes and retaining it hence forth for subsequent games. As it stands now the weightlifter's belt name only appears in iterations of Dragon Quest III.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

The weightlifter's belt has a Resilience bonus of +15, changes the wearer's personality to tough cookie, and can be equipped by all vocations. However, like all accessories that boost Resilience, it will only affect the wearer's growth rates when leveling up as the extra Resilience is not added to the wearer's current max HP.

In the Super Famicom and Game Boy Color versions of the game, the weightlifter's belt can be found in the third Treasures n' Trapdoors track near the Castle of the Dragon Queen and the Shrine of Shackles and another in the final track at Jipang. Starting with the smartphone version of the game, the belt is received as a reward for turning in 45 mini medals to the collector in Aliahan.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Weightlifter's belt III HD icon.png Weightlifter’s belt DRAGONQUEST III HD2D Logo 800px.png
Even the most fragile of adventurers will turn into a tough cookie after donning this belt
Stats Vocations
Attack +13 Gadabout iconHD2D.pngHero iconHD2D.pngMage iconHD2D.pngMartial artist iconHD2D.pngMerchant iconHD2D.png Monster wrangler iconHD2D.pngPriest iconHD2D.pngSage iconHD2D.pngThief iconHD2D.pngWarrior iconHD2D.png
Price Location
4,700/1,220 35 mini medals
Sold in:
Immigrant Town

See also[edit]