Metal chimaera

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The metal chimaera is a monster exclusive to the remakes of Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation.

Though it is quick and yields high Experience Points, it doesn't quite live up to the metal moniker.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

Metal chimaera (メタルキメラ Metarukimera)DQ3-SNES-LOGO-ICON.png
Sprite Level HP MP
Metalchimaera3snes.png 63 150 0
Attack Defense Agility Experience Gold
170 350 120 9,000 50
Bestiary No. #137
Spell(s) None
Skill(s) Chilly Breath
Freezing Blizzard
Location(s) Cloudsgate Citadel
Item Dropped Elevating shoes1128
Evasion Fire Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
1/8 100% 100% 100%
Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance
0% 100% 100% 70%
Poof Resistance Dazzle Resistance Fizzle Resistance Fuddle Resistance
0% 0% 100% 100%
Snooze Resistance Deceleratle Resistance * Sap Resistance *
70% 0% 70%
Later remake sprites

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Metal chimaera (メタルキメラ Metarukimera)DRAGONQUEST III HD2D Logo 800px.png
Sprite HP MP Attack
Metal chimaera DQ III HD sprite.png 240 222 307
Defense Agility Experience Gold
861 281 7,602 26
Bestiary No. #128
Family Metal, Beast, & Floating
In-game description These composite creatures are too metallic to be considered true chimaeras. They are constantly chased by adventuerers, leaving little time for them to search for new metal mates
Spell(s) None
Skill(s) Chilly Breath
Freezing Blizzard
Sweet Breath
Location(s) Cloudsgate Citadel (pyramid section)
Item Dropped Elevating shoes1128
Evasion Fire Resistance * Explosion Resistance * Ice Resistance *
1/8 75% 75% 75%
Wind Resistance * Strike Resistance * Lightning Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance
75% 25% 75% 0%
Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance Poof Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
100% 0% 25% 0%
Fizzle Resistance Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Snooze Resistance *
100% 25% 100% 0%
Stumble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Deceleratle Resistance Sap Resistance *
100% 0% 0% 25%


Similar species & close cousins[edit]