Pink panzer

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 11:26, 22 October 2016 by Aphelion (talk | contribs)

The pink panzer (formerly WingTiger) is a monster introduced in Dragon Quest VII. It is found in Mount Tor and the Great Lighthouse in the past.


Pink panzers are large catlike monsters that resemble a cross between a great sabrecat and a dragon. They have pink, spotted fur with a beige underside and a streak of teal hair across their backs. Their draconic features are a small set of wings on its back, a pair of curved horns on its head, and its long tail. They are still classified as beasts.


Dragon Quest VII

#113 - Pink panzer
HP MP Experience Gold
185 12 80 40
Attack Defense Speed
110 68 82
Dropped Item Leather kilt
Locations Vogograd
Skills Paralysis Attack
Spells Bounce
Family Beast
Capture Rate Fairly Hard to Tame
Bestiary # 113
Game Dragon Quest VII
Console PSX, 3DS

Related Enemies


Pink panzer is named after the popular, long-running The Pink Panther series of films about a large and valuable pink diamond named the Pink Panther. There is an animated sequence at the beginning and ending of each film featuring a cartoon pink panther, also named the Pink Panther.


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