
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 20:39, 27 March 2012 by FlyingRagnar (talk | contribs)


  • Making videos for Dragon Quest IX
  • Playing some Fortune Street
  • Preparing to play Dragon Quest VIII
  • Preparing to play Dragon Quest VI DS
  • Need to finish Skyward Sword

Sub links


Useful links

Dragon Quest games I've played

  • Dragon Quest (NES,SNES,GBC)
  • Dragon Warrior II (NES,GBC)
  • Dragon Warrior III (NES,SNES,GBC)
  • Dragon Warrior IV (NES,DS)
  • Dragon Quest V (SNES,DS)
  • Dragon Quest VI (SNES)
  • Dragon Quest Swords (Wii)
  • Dragon Quest IX (DS)

Games I'm looking forward to

  • Dragon Quest X (Wii) (2012? Not.)
  • Probably will buy some Lego games eventually
  • Need to download DQV PS2 from dqtranslations

About me

  • I have never shown great interest in any of the Dragon Quest spinoff games/series.
  • I received my first Dragon Quest game (Dragon Warrior) as a Christmas gift in the late 80's along with an NES. The game was part of the special promotion Nintendo ran where they gave it away for subscribing to Nintendo Power.
  • I've always been pretty much a 'Nintendo' guy, hence the reason I have never played or owned Dragon Warrior VII or Dragon Quest VIII. I did play most of the Square Enix games on SNES (FFV, FFVI, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG). Update for 2012, I finally got a PS2 and will be playing DQVIII soon.
  • I'm pretty obsessed with buying strategy guides for games.
  • I've never gotten all the monster medals in the remake of DQIII for the GBC. It's a ridiculously low drop rate for medals. I think I gave up when I found out that getting all the golds doesn't even do anything. I think I had all the bronze medals and was hunting for Canniboxes.