The Plated goretoise, formerly known as Deep Biter, is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series and was introduced in Dragon Quest VI.


Plated goretoises are big tortoise-like monsters with pale blue and black scaly skin and covered with armour pieces. The main part of the armour is the navy blue and silver tortoise shell which has holes where metallic spikes can be summoned to harm the enemies that dare touching the shell. The armour remnant is the helmet that these tortoises are wearing on their head, which is also navy blue and silver. In battle they boast the ability to cast Bounce on any ally and are even able to block an entire attack on another monster with their massive armoured tails.


Dragon Quest VI

#193 - Plated goretoise
HP MP Experience Gold
200 8 210 134
Attack Defense Speed
105 330 45
Dropped Item Tortoise shell
Bestiary # 193
Game Dragon Quest VI
Console SNES, DS

Other appearances

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3


See also