Frigid Blade

Revision as of 18:09, 12 December 2021 by Aphelion (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Spell Infobox |title = Frigid Blade |image = |japanese = 凍える氷剣 |romaji = {{tt|Kogoeru hyōken|Frozen ice blade/sword}} |old = |type = Offensive }} '''Frigid Blade''' is a spell that appears exclusively in {{DQTact}}. It is one of Santa Krystalinda's signature spells, impaling an enemy with a burst of ice spears. ==Details== Frigid Blade can be learned by Santa Krystalinda at level 52 and costs 108 MP to cast. It has a range of three squares away from he...")
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Frigid Blade is a spell that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is one of Santa Krystalinda's signature spells, impaling an enemy with a burst of ice spears.


Frigid Blade can be learned by Santa Krystalinda at level 52 and costs 108 MP to cast. It has a range of three squares away from her in any direction and inflicts major Crack-type spell damage to a single enemy. Upgrading the spell increases its damage and reduces the amount of MP it costs to cast.

Frigid Blade (凍える氷剣 Kogoeru hyōken) 
Ability information
Frigid Blade
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Spell   108
Range Additional effects
Deals major Crack-type spell damage to 1 enemy
Naturally learnt by
Santa Krystalinda

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