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Firetwirl is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is one of Debora Briscoletti's signature abilities, scorching any enemies around her with a dazzling dance of heat and light.


Firetwirl can be learned by Debora at level 56 and costs 62 MP to use. It inflicts 280% potency Sizz-type physical damage to all enemies in a radius of 1 around her. Upgrading the ability increases its damage and reduces the MP it costs to use.

Firetwirl (剛熱舞闘撃 Gōnetsu butōgeki) 
Ability information
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Physical   62
Range Additional effects
Radius 1
Deals 280% potency Sizz-type physical damage to all enemies in area of effect
Naturally learnt by

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