Island off to the right off Hermany
Have a level 40+ gladiator
Unscrupulus Maximus
Unscrupulus Maximus
gladiator's guide
The gladiator Unscrupulus Maximus on the small island just east of Hermany has issued his final challenge: first you must subject yourself to envenomation, you're to use Double Up, and finish off three green dragons with Double-Edged Slash.
Green Dragons can be found easily in Mt. Magmaroo. You must be envenomated by the same one that you are fighting. Be sure your gladiator is in Double Up before they use Double-Edged Slash on them. Bringing a strong healer who knows Squelch is strongly recommended since you need to pull this off on 3 of those dragons. Be careful not use Psyche Up otherwise you may risk your life when using Double-Edged Slash