Hiyah! Wachah! Hraaah!

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Hiyah! Wachah! Hraaah! is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is one of Santa Alena's signature abilities, delivering a bunch of frigid blows to the target while uttering a kiai for each strike.


Hiyah! Wachah! Hraaah! can be learned by Santa Alena through Talent Blossoming and costs 46 MP to use. It has a range of up to three squares away from her and inflicts 105% potency Crack-type physical damage to a single enemy 3 times.

Hiyah! Wachah! Hraaah! (えい!やぁ!ぽい! Ei! Ya~a! Poi!) 
Ability information
Hiyah! Wachah! Hraaah!
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Physical   46
Range Additional effects
Deals Crack-type physical damage (105% potency) to 1 enemy 3 times.
Naturally learnt by
Santa Alena