Jet-Black Vortex

Revision as of 23:40, 20 April 2023 by Aphelion (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Spell Infobox |title = Jet-Black Vortex |image = |japanese = 漆黒の渦 |romaji = {{tt|Shikkoku no uzu|Jet black vortex}} |old = |type = Breath }} '''Jet-Black Vortex''' is a breath attack that appears exclusively in {{DQTact}}. It is one of the signature skills of Psaro the Manslayer, unleashing a breath of darkness that leaves behind dark vortexes on the battlefield. ==Appearances== ==={{DQTact}}=== Jet-Black Vortex is an enemy-only skill that can be used...")
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Jet-Black Vortex is a breath attack that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is one of the signature skills of Psaro the Manslayer, unleashing a breath of darkness that leaves behind dark vortexes on the battlefield.


Dragon Quest TactEdit

Jet-Black Vortex is an enemy-only skill that can be used by Psaro the Manslayer during his Mega Boss Battle and costs 71 MP to use. It inflicts major unreflectable Zam-type breath damage to any units standing in four squares in the row in front of him and generates dark vortexes on those squares for 4 turns. Any units that end their turn on a dark vortex will take 800 damage.

Jet-Black Vortex (漆黒の渦 Shikkoku no uzu) 
Ability information
Jet-Black Vortex
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Breath   71
Range Additional effects
Around self
Deals major unreflectable Zam-type breath damage to all enemies in area of effect, generates a 800-damage dark vortex in area that targets enemies and allies for 4 turns
Naturally learnt by
Psaro the Manslayer

Related skillsEdit