Exorcism Sizzle

Exorcism Sizzle is a spell that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is a variation of Sizzle that can make opponents more vulnerable to spells.


Dragon Quest TactEdit

Exorcism Sizzle can be learned by the Prince of darkness and Legerdeman at level 24, costing 42 MP to cast. It has a range of three squares in front of the caster, inflicts moderate Sizz-type spell damage to all enemies in a range of three squares horizontally, and has a chance to lower their Spell Res for three turns.

Exorcism Sizzle (破魔のベギラマ Hama no Begirama) 
Ability information
Exorcism Sizzle
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Spell   42
Range Additional effects
Spell Res Down
Deals moderate Sizz-type spell damage to all enemies in area of effect, occasionally lowers Spell Res for 3 turns
Naturally learnt by
Legerdeman, Prince of darkness