Lightning Rod

Lightning Rod is a recurring skill in the Dragon Quest series. It is one of the signature abilities of the Hell raiser, brandishing its tall staff to send out lightning bolts at enemies.


Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road IIEdit

Lightning Rod makes its debut as one of the Hell raiser's abilities.

Dragon Quest TactEdit

Lightning Rod is known naturally by Hell raiser at level 1 and costs 14 MP to use. It has a range of three squares away from it in any direction, inflicting minor Zap-type martial damage to a single enemy, and has a chance to inflict paralysis as well. Hell raiser can also learn the perk Sporadic Lightning Rod Follow-Up with 30 awakening points, which gives it a 40% chance of using Lightning Rod against an enemy that is being attacked by an ally if they are within a 3-space range.

Lightning Rod (ひらいしん Hiraishin) 
Ability information
Lightning Rod
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Martial   14
Range Additional effects
Deals minor Zap-type martial damage to 1 enemy, occasionally paralyses
Naturally learnt by
Hell raiser