Steel scythe

The Steel scythe is a weapon for Yangus with an Attack bonus of +42. It can be bought in Baccarat, Savella Cathedral and Neos for 3,700 gold coins. It can be upgraded to a Hell scythe or be used to make an Razor wing boomerang.

  • In the 3DS version, a Steel scythe can be obtained by obtaining 13 stamps in the Cameron's Codex sidequest.
Steel Scythe
Japanese はがねのかま
Romaji {{{romaji}}}
Old localizations N/A
Found in Dragon Quest VIII
Effect None

Recipe: Hell scythe = Steel scythe + Hades' helm + Poison moth knife

Recipe: Razor wing boomerang = Edged boomerang + Wing of bat + Steel scythe

A scythe designed specifically for combat.