
Trailblazer is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact and is one of Alena's signature abilities. When used, she rapidly propels herself across the battlefield with a sudden burst of speed and damages any enemies caught in her path.


Trailblazer can be learned by Alena at level 32 and costs 44 MP to use. It inflicts 250% potency physical damage to all enemies in a range of three squares in front of her and moves her forward up to four spaces as long as there are no obstacles along the way. Upgrading the ability increases its damage and reduces the MP it costs to use.

Trailblazer (烈進撃 Retsu shingeki) 
Ability information
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Physical   44
Range Additional effects
Straight line
Deals 250% potency physical damage to all enemies in area of effect, moves up to 4 spaces
Naturally learnt by

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