Aqua parasol

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The Aqua parasol, previously known as Aquarella, is a recurrent monster in the Monsters subseries and it was introduced in Dragon Quest Monsters 2.


Aqua parasols are acuatic monsters, their body is made from a thin blue and purple cartilage skin, under this fragile skin there is the real body of the monster, however the only part of it that is fully revealed is the long violet twisted beak. The strange appearance is completed with four eyes hanging from the inside of the body and that are connected to it by pink eye nerves.


Dragon Quest Monsters 2

HP MP Experience Gold
5/6 3/6
Attack Defense Speed
5/6 4/6 2/6
Locations West Cape Cave (Tara's Adventure)
Spells Barrier, Geyser, SquallHit
Family Water family
Game Dragon Warrior Monsters 2
Console GBC
Description Expands its body to startle foes.

Aquarellas can be bred with a combination of any member of the Water family as the base and any member of the Bug family as the mate.

Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca’s Marvelous Mysterious Key



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