
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 19:58, 11 March 2025 by Rigel Kent (talk | contribs) (semantic footnote)
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The EnemyList template is used to display roaming enemy information for various locations in Dragon Quest games.


In almost all cases, using this template should be preceded by a heading such as Roaming Enemies on the article it is being transcluded onto. This is because there is no label marking the table as roaming enemy data within this template. This is consistent with other location templates.


A header call to this template should be the first usage of this template on any page.

  • header: A required parameter which marks this as the start of a enemy list table.
  • include: An optional parameter consisting of a string containing "drops", "haunts", or both. Formats the table headers to display item drop and/or haunt information.
  • title: Title to be used on the table. This should be the name of the game if there is more than one enemy list on an article. Can be an interwiki link when applicable.
  • subtitle: Subtitle to be included on the table header. This parameter is optional and most often will be the console version of the game name which is used for the title.


Each entry in the enemy table is represented by a single template call.

  • entry: A required parameter which marks this as a single shop table entry.
  • enemy: An interwiki link to the enemy article.
  • gold: The amount of gold earned when the enemy is defeated.
  • experience: The amount of experience earned when the enemy is defeated.
  • drop: An optional parameter for specifying an item or items that the enemy might drop. Should be used only when 'includeDrops' is specified in the header.
  • rate: An optional parameter for specifying the drop rate for a drop item or items. Should be used only when 'includeDrops' is specified in the header.
  • drop2: Same as drop, for a second item.
  • rate2: Same as rate, for a second item.
  • haunt: The monster's haunt.


The footer call marks the end of the enemy table.

  • footer: A required parameter marking the template as the footer.
  • note: An optional parameter adding a footnote after the table for additional information about the enemy list, such as "Enemy A can only be fought at night!"



Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (DS)   Collapse
Enemy Gold Exp
Slime 1 G 1
Zoma 2 G 2
Healslime 3 G 4
Wiggly 4 G 5

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (DS)   Collapse
Enemy Gold Exp Drop Item
Flamethrower 10 G 1000
Medicinal herbs
Shadow 10 G 102
Flamers only appear after defeating the Witch King boss



{{EnemyList|entry|enemy=[[Flamethrower]]|gold=10|exp=1000|drop=Medicinal herbs|rate=1/64}}
{{EnemyList|footer|note=Flamers only appear after defeating the Witch King boss}}