God will Tetsuguro

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The God will Tetsuguro, or only Tetsuguro, is a new monster that was introduced in Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca’s Marvelous Mysterious Key.


Tetsuguro, like the rest of God wills, is a centaur-like monster, this in particular has cyborg vibes on it since most of his parts of the body are metallic, articulated and without skin (except his face, whose skin is blue). He has black hair in his head and red in his tail.


Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca’s Marvelous Mysterious Key



  • Tetsuguro was designed to be a guardian of the japanese region of Tōkai (東海) .
  • Tetsuguro is represented in the attire of the War Goddess Togamihime, specifically on one of the orbs that represents him and the rest of God wills, the black one.


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