Alena's costume

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(Redirected from Alena's clothing)

Alena's costume allows players of Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies to cosplay as The Tsarevna of Zamoksva Castle in the Dragon Quest series.

Alena's dress[edit]

Alena's dress is a piece of clothing in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies modeled after Alena's costume from Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen.


DQIX Alenas dress.png  Alena's dress  (DS)
Defence +32
Rarity ★★★☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price N/A
Sell Price 3,000
Flavor text A tantalising one-piece worn by Tsarevna Alena.
Notes Received after speaking to Alena at Quester's Rest.

Alena's gloves[edit]

Alena's gloves are a rare pair of orange gloves belonging to the mighty Tsarevna herself, Alena, in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies.


DQIX Alenas gloves.png  Alena's gloves  (DS)
Deftness +44
Rarity ★★★☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price n/a
Sell Price 1500
Flavor text Winsome handwear one might find in a tsarevna's wardrobe.
Notes Received from Alena at Quester's Rest after the inn is fully expanded.

Alena's hat[edit]

Alena's hat is a rare piece of headgear in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies modeled after the pointy hat worn by Tsarevna Alena in Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen.


DQIX Alenas hat.png  Alena's hat  (DS)
Defence +20
Found Received from Alena at the Quester's Rest if it is your birthday.
Rarity ★★★☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price n/a
Sell Price 2500
Notes A triangular topper modelled on that of a tough tsarevna.

Alena's tights[edit]

Alena's tights are a piece of legwear in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies modeled after Alena's costume from Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen.


DQIX Alenas tights.png  Alena's tights  (DS)
Defence +12
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price N/A
Sell Price 2,000
Flavor text Heavy black hosiery once worn by Tsarevna Alena.
Notes Received from Alena at Quester's Rest if The Hero is a Martial Artist.


Valenki is a rare pair of boots belonging to the mighty Tsarevna herself, Alena, in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies.


DQIX Valenki.png  Valenki  (DS)
Defence +11
Rarity ★★★☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price n/a
Sell Price 1500
Flavor text Long boots belonging to Tsarevna Alena that go great with her gloves.
Notes Received from Alena at Quester's Rest after completing Quest #157.


  • Valenki are a type of traditional Russian winter footwear that are made out of wool felt.
