Talk:Reset stone
Well, that didn't work[edit]
I thought I'd go and throw a reset stone and gold bar into the ol' Krak Pot hoping it'd give me back the gold bar ingredients... no dice. I guess it's just another thing that's part of some specific recipe. Although, when trying to use it it will make the user feel "gripped with gratitude for being given so many second chances," which makes it sound more like the dieamond from V (which the resurrock appears to be exactly, though I don't know if it shares its favorable qualities). That seems kinda much though for something worth 10 medals and being so rare a drop from the, like, two monsters you can get it from. Any ideas, yo? What's this rock really good for?
NOTE: I just thought about the sands of time from the previous games. Maybe this has some sort of involvement? Or am I letting my imagination get away with me? --PantheonSasuke 04:13, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
From what I've read (haven't done it yet) there are high end weapons/armor that only have a 10% chance of being made when doing the alchemy. The other 90% of the time you get something else. You use the reset stone on the 90%-item so you can try for the 10%-item again...I think. It might have other uses, but that's all I know at the moment. --Pagoda 16:57, August 15, 2010 (UTC)