
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Quest #99 - "B-Coming One of the B-Team"
Location Dourbridge
Availability Upon arriving at Dourbridge and having a Level 15 Thief in your party
Requested by Buster
Fulfilled to Buster
Item Required Item icon.png Tycoon's trove
Reward Bodywear.png rogue's robe Male only icon.png, Bodywear.png roguess' robe Female only icon.png, 1000 coins
Detail You met Buster in the pub in Dourbridge, and were invited to join his infamous gang, the B-Team. All you have to do is steal back the tycoon's trove swiped by a hunter mech last seen in the Bad Cave north of Bloomingdale.
Hint for solution
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}