From Dragon Quest Wiki
My goal: Fix some grammatical errors I can find and add missing information based on my research.
My likes on video games: I play Mario games, Kirby, Zelda, Animal Crossing, Pokemon (sometimes), EarthBound, Pikmin, Undertale, and Dragon Quest. Will try to play a Megaten game one day but I do heavy research about them.
To Do List:
- See the Dark Prince monster bestiary and check if there are missing links to references and try to name which of their old names debuted in a previous game system.
- Check the different pages of DQ II, III, IV (if there are updates), V, and VI if there are monsters or special characters there then try to link them in the monster or character's respective pages. The rest of the main series may be done later.
- Add more info on Chateau de Sass.
- Add info on the origin of the given monster names for the recruitable ones of DQ V.
- Add info on the DQ III's monster drops since the info of the drops of certain monsters are not complete.
- Add the missing recruitable monsters in the monster recruitment page, namely on those who debuted in DQ VIII 3DS. Also add them in the template of VIII.
- Add link and category of the rare monsters found in this wiki.
- Name the game or console that an area, item, equipment, character, and monster's name was used (like the old name of DQ I's Presditigator). Focus from DQ I to VI first, for other games prioritize on the monsters' name (use the monster family page).
- Add more info on the horse and monster riding page. Use this video ( for more monster info.
- Try to find the named monsters and add them to the main monster page. Focus on the recrutiable monster from DQ VIII, The Dark Prince, and mainline DQ games (plus the Builder and Heroes series if ever).
- Put artwork found in Torneko: Last Hope into the pages of characters and monsters.
- Read and put info and artwork of DQ Builders 1 and 2 and also DQ Heroes 1 and 2.