Dread dragon

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 00:26, 10 January 2016 by Antiyonder (talk | contribs)
Artwork of a Red Dragon


Covered in red scales with a blue underbelly, the Red dragon is the mightiest quadruped dragon in the entire combined lands of the Roto trilogy. Coupled with higher stamina and strength, the red dragon can also cast simple magic.

Just as with the weaker Green Dragon, the red dragon also recieves a physical overhaul in Dragon Quest IV and beyond.


Dragon Quest

Red Dragon
HP MP Experience Gold
100 (NES)
105 (remake)
3 100 (NES)
350 (remake)
140 (NES)
143 (remake)
Attack Defense Speed
120 (NES)
115 (remake)
90 (NES)
104 (remake)
Skills Breathes fire
Spells Sleep (NES)
Stopspell (remake)
Game Dragon Quest
Console NES, SNES, GBC

In Dragon Quest, red dragons are found exclusively in the Charlock Castle. Due to text restrictions in the Gameboy Color remake of Dragon Quest, Red Dragon was renamed RedDragon.

Dragon Quest IV

#141 - Red Dragon
HP MP Experience Gold
167 28 703 (NES)
603 (DS)
Attack Defense Speed
183 90 78
Dropped Item Luck Seed (NES)
Seed of Resilience
Locations Final Cave (Ch 5)
Skills Emits scorching gas
Spells Infermost, Surround
Bestiary # 141
Game Dragon Quest IV
Console NES, DS

Dragon Quest IX

#191 - Red Dragon
HP MP Experience Gold
325 9 3000 98
Attack Defense Speed
198 230 121
Dropped Item Dragon Scale (common, 1/16)
Dragon Claws (rare, 1/128)
Locations Realm of the Mighty
Newid Isle (high ground)
Lonely Coast (high ground)
Skills Inferno breath
Bestiary # 191
Game Dragon Quest IX
Console DS
Description Fiery dragons that engulf enemies in all manner of intense infernos, but fear the might of light.

It's only when pups shed their skins to become adults that they discover if they've developed into red or green dragons.

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