
From Dragon Quest Wiki

Hardliner is a monster talent that teaches a hodgepodge of abilities with no unifying theme.


Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[edit]

Fizzy's shop sells scrolls that teach the talent on Monday for 9,000 gold. It is naturally learned by dark hares and king foo dogs.

Ability Description Talent Points
Mercurial Thrust Instantly attack one foe at 40% strength at the start of a turn 3
Gust Slash 110% physical Wind damage to one enemy 10
Frizzle Deals an average of 220 Fire spell damage at 699 wisdom 20
Knuckle Sandwich 60% physical damage to one foe after charging for one turn, ignores defence entirely
Damage is still affect by the Metal Skin trait
Attack +12 Increases attack by twelve points 50
Anchorman 150% physical damage to one foe, always goes dead last 70
Hotstepper Deals Fire damage to all foes, calculated as Level x 2 85
Shining Shot Deals Light physical damage by shooting 4~12 arrows at 19% strength per shot 100
Attack +20 Increases attack by twenty points 120
Kazap Deals approximately 230 Lightning spell damage to all foes at 999 wisdom 150