
From Dragon Quest Wiki
< Template:DQ9Enemy
Revision as of 01:23, 9 February 2020 by Antiyonder (talk | contribs) (→‎Parameters)
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The enemy template is used to display statistics about a specific enemy/monster/boss in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies. It is a custom version of the Enemy template specifically for Dragon Quest IX.


  • float: whether the template should be floated left or right (default is left)
  • image: wikitext for the sprite image of this monster
  • name: the name of the enemy
  • game: the name of the game
  • console: the name of the console version of the game
  • romanji: the romanji version of the monster's name
  • kanji: the kanji version of the monster's name
  • hp: the enemy's hit points
  • mp: the enemy's magic points
  • attack: the enemy's attack power
  • defense: the enemy's defense power
  • agility: the enemy's agility/speed
  • experience: the experience points for defeating the enemy
  • gold: the gold for defeating the enemy
  • droppedItem: the item that might be dropped when the enemy is defeated. should include percentage or ratio.
  • skills: any skills the enemy uses. use wikitext to link.
  • spells: any spells the enemy uses use wikitext to link.
  • bestiaryNumber: the identifying number of the enemy in the bestiary
  • captureRate: the capture rate of enemies which can be captured. should be a percentage or ratio.
  • description: any notes or other information about this monster
  • locations: where the enemy can be found. can include wikimarkup for links.
  • fire: value of fire defense (default 100)
  • ice: value of ice defense (default 100)
  • wind: value of wind defense (default 100)
  • light: value of light defense (default 100)
  • dark: value of dark defense (default 100)
  • blast: value of blast defense (default 100)
  • dazzle: value of Dazzle defense (default 0)
  • sleep: value of sleep defense (default 0)
  • death: value of death defense (default 0)
  • drnmp: value of drain MP defense (default 100)
  • confu: value of confusion defense (default 0)
  • fizzle: value of Fizzle defense (default 0)
  • inact: value of inaction defense (default 0)
  • poison: value of poison defense (default 0)
  • prlyz: value of paralysis defense (deafult 0)
  • charm: value of attraction defense (default 0)
  • mrdown: value of magic resistance defense (default 0)
  • blunt: value of resistance to blunt
  • sap: value of resistance to sap
  • decelerate: value of resistance to decelerate



#24 - Test
Orgodemir DQVII PSX.gif
HP MP Experience Gold
400 20 400 21
Attack Defense Speed
23 44 33
Dropped Item Club
Locations South of Mercado, North of Coburg
Skills Ninjitsu
Spells Kamikaze
Family Slime family
Capture Rate 1/32
Bestiary # 24
Game Dragon Quest XXVI
Console GBC
Japanese Name ninanana
Romanized Jap. chingchow
Description This is a test enemy.
Additional Attributes
Fire Ice Wind Earth Light Dark
150 150 150 150 200 200
Blast Dazzle Sleep Death Drain MP Confusion
1 0 15 25 44 50
Fizzle Inaction Paralyze Poison Charm Magic Res
0 0 66 45 0 23
Blunt Sap Decelerate
0 0 0

Wiki markup

|image=[[Image:Orgodemir DQVII PSX.gif]]
|game=Dragon Quest XXVI
|romanji= chingchow
|kanji= ninanana
|hp= 400
|mp= 20
|attack= 23
|family=[[Slime family]]
|description=This is a test enemy.
|locations=South of Mercado, North of Coburg