
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Quest #021 - "Spud-She-Like"
Location Stornway, west house
Availability After alchemy is enabled
Requested by Alison
Fulfilled to Alison
Item Required sunstone
Reward saint's ashes
Detail Alison from Stornway wants you to make her a sunstone. She says you can make one using mirrorstones, lucida shards and Hephaestus' flames, but she doesn't know how many you'll need of each ingredient.
Hint for solution You need: 3 mirrorstones, 2 lucida shards, 1 Hephaestus flame. To make lucida shard you need 3 brightstone (goodybag drop near Batsureg or from the world map near Gleeba) and 3 evencloth (ragged reaper drop near Zere).
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}