Astraea's abacus

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 13:09, 20 June 2016 by Icysugarspike (talk | contribs)
Astreas Abacus.png

Astrea's Abacus is a weapon in Dragon Quest IV and Dragon Quest Swords. In Dragon Quest Swords, it is a novelty weapon which can be used to earn extra money while equipped. It consists of an abacus calculating tool mounted at the end of a polearm. It is the signature weapon of Torneko Taloon in Dragon Quest IV.


Dragon Quest IV

Dragon Quest Swords


Equipable by
Buy Price {{{buyPrice}}}
Sell Price {{{sellPrice}}}


Location Info
Castle Avalonia Sold by Minimoggie (10 mini medals)

Equipping characters



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