Cop Out

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 05:11, 29 October 2016 by Aphelion (talk | contribs)

Cop Out is an ability in the Dragon Quest series. It has a 3/5 chance to reflect an attack back to a random enemy, 1/5 chance to redirect the blow to an ally, and a 1/5 chance of failure. Once used it lasts for the entirety of the turn.


Dragon Quest VI

Cop Out is learned by Goowain at level 18. Other characters can obtain it by advancing to either rank 5 of the Dancer vocation or rank 3 of the Gladiator vocation.

Dragon Quest VII

ParryPass is learned by Kiefer at level 9 and Aishe at level 21. It is also learned by advancing to rank 3 of the Dancer class or rank 4 as a EvilWell. The ability only appears in the PS1 version.

See Also