
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 10:46, 26 March 2023 by (talk)

HP MP Experience Gold
2500 1760 575
Attack Defense Speed
Locations Gorges
Skills Acts twice per turn
Wind Sickles
Spells Kaswoosh
Family Demon
Game Dragon Quest VII
Console PSX

The Vaipur (formerly HellGenie) is a boss in the game Dragon Quest VII. It can be found in the Sullied Sanctum.


Vaipur can attack twice in one round. It has some powerful attacks that can hurt a party after a round is over. It can charge the party and hit with consecutive damage. Ka swoosh can hurt as well but can be offset by using Magic Barrier and armor that decreases spell damage. But the thing that will be a godsend to a player is the fact that Vaipur will sometimes smile eerily at the party, wasting an attack.

As a wind monster, Vaipur has a high resistance to wind so don't bother with wind based attacks or spells. Instead, buff the party with Buff. Use Magic Barrier if you have it and hack away. Make sure you have one party member that is using the Staff of Salvation to heal wounds every round to cut down on the chances that the Vaipur can kill one of them with its two attacks.

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