Luscious lettuce

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 13:54, 14 June 2023 by Aphelion (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Item |title = Luscious lettuce |image = 125px |japanese = しゃっきりレタス |romaji = {{tt|Shakkiri retasu|Crisp lettuce}} |names = N/a |games = {{Dragon Quest X}}<br>{{DQStars}}<br>{{DQTreasures}} |effect = Used as an ingredient for cooking dishes. }} '''Luscious lettuce''' is a recurring item in the {{DQSeries}}. It is a head of crisp and crunchy lettuce that is used as an ingredient in cooking. ==Appearances== ==={{DQ...")
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Luscious lettuce
Lucious lettuce DQTR icon.png
Japanese しゃっきりレタス
Romaji Shakkiri retasu
Old localizations N/a
Found in Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest of the Stars
Dragon Quest Treasures
Effect Used as an ingredient for cooking dishes.

Luscious lettuce is a recurring item in the Dragon Quest series. It is a head of crisp and crunchy lettuce that is used as an ingredient in cooking.


Dragon Quest X

Luscious lettuce is used as an ingredient in different cooking recipes. It can be harvested by planting and growing luscious lettuce seeds or can be purchased from a material store for 640 gold each.

Dragon Quest of the Stars

Luscious lettuce is a 1★ item used for cooking Seafood salad and Carpaccio. It can be received as a reward for beating certain story mode bosses in dungeons.

Dragon Quest Treasures

Luscious lettuce can be foraged from plants on the Patternoggin and the Hinterquarters, can be purchased at the base's shop, or sometimes received by sending a dispatch team to the Swishmelt Lakeside area of the Hinterquarters. It is used for cooking dishes at the canteen or for scouting monsters.

In Other Languages

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisLaitue craquanteFrench for "crisp lettuce".