Dragon Quest V on Electone

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Dragon Quest V Heaven's Bride on Electone
Dragon Quest V Heaven's Bride on Electone cpver
Soundtrack by Yuri Hiranuma, Mutsuki Watanabe
Released June 21, 1993
Genre Video game music
CD info 1 CD, 16 tracks
Label Apollon
Producer Koichi Sugiyama
Soundtrack chronology
Dragon Quest IV on Electone
Dragon Quest VI on Electone

Dragon Quest V on Electone (full name: Dragon Quest V Heaven's Bride on Electone (ドラゴンクエスト V 天空の花嫁 オン・エレクトーン)) is an electone arraignment of the soundtrack of Dragon Quest V. Dragon Quest V on Electone was released in June 21, 1993. It is only available in Japan.


"Overture" is the music in the intro. "Castle Trumpeter" is the castle music, "Melody in An Ancient Town" is the town music for many places in Generation 1. "Toward the Horizon" is the overworld theme. "Casino ~ Lively Town" is both the theme of the Casino and the town theme of later generations. "Tower of Death" and "Monsters in the Dungeon" is the tower and dungeon theme respectively. "Heaven" is the theme of Zenithia, "Bridal Waltz" is the music for the credits, "Satan" is music of the final boss.

Track listing

# Track name Japanese name Length
1 "Overture" 序曲のマーチ 2:02
2 "Castle Trumpeter" 王宮のトランペット 2:23
3 "Melody in an Ancient Town" 街角のメロディ 1:47
4 "Toward the Horizon" 地平の彼方へ 1:41
5 "Casino ~ Lively Town" カジノ都市~街は生きている 2:50
6 "Make Me Feel Sad" 哀愁物語 1:53
7 "Melody of Love" 愛の旋律 3:00
8 "Monsters in the Dungeon" 巣窟に魔物の影が 2:28
9 "Tower of Death" 死の塔 1:34
10 "Dark World" 暗黒の世界 1:17
11 "Noble Requiem ~ Saint" 高貴なるレクイエム~聖 4:11
12 "Satan" 大魔王 4:49
13 "Heaven" 天空城 2:52
14 "Bridal Waltz" 結婚ワルツ 2:38
15 "Magic Carpet ~ The Ocean" 空飛ぶ絨毯~大海原へ 4:06
16 "Violent Enemies ~ Almighty Boss Devil is Challenged" 戦火を交えて~不死身の敵に挑む 3:19

External Links