Burning Fog

Burning Fog is a breath attack that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is one of Nemean's signature abilities, emitting a foul miasma that can Paralyse and lower foes' defences at the same time.


Dragon Quest TactEdit

Burning Fog is known naturally by Nemean at level 1 and costs 22 MP to use. It has a chance to lower the DEF of all enemies in a straight line of three squares in front of the user for three turns and Paralyse them, as well.

Burning Fog (やけつく瘴気 Yaketsuku shōki) 
Ability information
Burning Fog
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Breath   22
Range Additional effects
Straight line
Paralysis/DEF Down
Occasionally paralyzes and lowers DEF of all enemies in area of effect (DEF debuff lasts 3 turns)
Naturally learnt by

Related skillsEdit