Burning Helichopter

Burning Helichopter is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It inflicts fire damage on any enemies surrounding the user.


Dragon Quest TactEdit

Burning Helichopter is known naturally by Liege lizard and Slon at level 1 and costs 5 MP to use. It inflicts 104% potency Frizz-type physical damage to all enemies in a radius of 1 around the user. Burning Helichopter can also be taught to any unit using an ability scroll, which is received as a reward for completing the fourth stage of Robbin' 'Ood's Battle Road.

Burning Helichopter (火炎ぶんまわし Kaen bunmawashi) 
Ability information
Burning Helichopter
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Physical   5
Range Additional effects
Radius 1
Deals 104% potency Frizz-type physical damage to all enemies in area of effect
Naturally learnt by
Liege lizard, Slon

Related skillsEdit